śW@g (Chapter named and partially made by the all mighty Jess)

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A/N: Asterisks equal Jessica's part.

We woke up and the storm was gone. Thank the lord. We head out for breakfast after getting ready for the day. The next event was the scavenger hunt, and then we could practice all day for the bonfire performance.

We were performing Miss You by Blink. I was playing my cajon and Luke with his acoustic guitar and him singing. We probably wouldn't win, because, we can't win everything. And, I heard that some other people brought in instruments as well.

We gathered by the bench that was labeled Team Lashton and Dan and Phil's team named Dil. (A/N: If you subscribe to the gaming channel you will get this. So funny, they almost killed him, ok bye.)

"So, I guess we have to find a bunch of stuff the girl teams hid and then we hide it for thier teems." I told Luke.

"That makes sense. Where are Dan and Phil?"

"I have no idea." I said.

"Speaking of us." Phil walked up. "Are you ready to start?"

"Uh, we are." Luke said. "But, where's Dan?"

Dan walked up behind us, singing some song about an assistant walking into the room. Don't ever ask me about Dan and Phil's relationship, because I honestly have no idea at all.

"So, what do we need to find?" I asked.


We had found everything on the list except for a blue bow. We went into a girls' cabin. WE began searching the one room cabin.

"I don't think we'll ever find it." Dan whined.

"Hey guys, it could be in this droor!" Luke yelled from the other side of the cabin.

"That's the only place we haven't looked. It probably is!" Dan said.

"Open it!" I said.

Luke was just about to open it when Phil stopped his hand.

"What?" Luke asked.

"Guys. What if there's girl stuff in there?" Phil asked.

"What do you mean 'girl stuff', it's a girls' cabin!" I said.

"Yeah, just clothes." Dan said.

"No." Luke said. "He means like, ya know, 'girl stuff'"

"What do you mean? Will you just say it?" I asked.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Tampons and bras you idiot!" He said.

Me and Dan looked and each other. "Ohhhh." We said in unison.

"Then we close it and never speak of this again." Dan said.

"Okay." Phil said. "On three. One. Two. Three."

We opened the droor. A blue bow was sitting there next to a couple of shirts.

"Yaaayy!" Luke said.

"I don't think the girls would put something guys had to find by their stuff anyways." I said.

"You're probably right." Phil said.


The talent bonfire came to quickly. We ate dinner by the bonfire and waited for it to get dark. Dan and Phil went up there to announce the first people. There was a couple of one-act plays and singing. Someone did a comedy act. Harry and Connor decided to show off swimming and such. Calum and Michael sang and had guitars to American Idiot by Green Day. That was pretty awesome. Finally, the announced Team Lashton.

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