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A/N: Hi guys! My neighbor asked me how school was going and I said "It's highschool, so at its best its still iffy." and she just looked at me with a blank expression and said "So, good?". I don't know how people survive three more years of this, but hopefully I'll leave Trinity next year and go to public. So there's my boring life story. Hope you enjoy my update!

"So just tell me already!" I said. Because this was bugging me. Especially since it wasn't something they could tell the other guys.

"Well," Harry started. "Luke was kind of, um," he looked at Michael, "how do we explain something, its kind of awkward."

Michael shrugged his shoulders. "We just tell him."


I cut Harry off. "Just tell me already!"

"Fine. Luke was moaning your name in his sleep." Michael said.

The sour gummy worm I was eating dropped out of my mouth. "No! He couldn't have been. Maybe it was like Ashley or something, I think he talked about some girl named Ashley that worked at Target before. Yeah, that's it."

"Nope," Harry said, "I have a video because it was actually quite funny."

Harry took out his phone and pulled up the video. He handed it to me. I was sleeping, so was Luke, Calum, and Connor.

I puased the video. "Um, Harry? May I ask one question?"

"Yeah....?" He said.

"Why were you filming us all sleeping?"

Michael luaghed. "We were going to prank you guys. There was a truck that looked like it was coming at us, so we were gonna scream and wake you up to freak you out."

"Hey!" I lightly punched Harry on the arm.

I went back and played the video. Harry said 'one, two, three', but the Luke moaned my name. You could here Michael quietly say 'oh shit'. Luke said it twice more then snuggled into neck and I just comfortably moved my head so it rested on his.

"Oh shit!" I said.

"Exactly." Michael said. I gave Harry his phone back.

"It was probably just an awkward dream." I said, still trying to think of something else.

"I don't know." Harry said. "He, um, I'm not supposed to tell you."

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Well, you have to swear to me you won't tell anyone."

"I won't, it's the blabber mouth with red hair that you have to worry about." I said.

"I swear. This sounds really important, I don't mess with serious stuff." Michael said.

"Okay," Harry started, "Luke likes you, Ash. Like alot. I've been trying to tell him to go up and talk to you, but he won't."

Michael and Harry just waited for my response. My mind was racing in so many different directions right now. He liked me! Luke "sex-on-legs" like me! It was like having a million butterflies in my stomach at once. It felt like, I can't even explain! My whole world stopped and just flew. I know, I sound like I'm on meth, but that's kind of what it feels like. Wat. I don't know what doing drugs is like.

I looked over at Luke and kissed him, lightly, on the lips. Luke giggled in his sleep.

"WAIT, ASH,YOU ARE-?" Just then, Calum began to stir and wake up.

"SHUT UP, DUMBA-" Harry started before Cal woke up.

"So, how much longer?" He asked.

"Um...." Michael said.

A/N: What if I told you Calum heard the whole thing? No, that would be cruel. I don't have much to say down here. My chapters just keep getting worse. If you have any ideas ever, you can just leave them in the comments and maybe I'll find some way to put in here. Also dedicated to Tight-and-Bright for voting for my first story and your amazing username! ;)


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