"Aw," Stiles grinned over to me, "Thanks, babe."

"I hate you both so much," Derek growled.

"Feeling's mutual," both Stiles and I stated.


Once again, time flew as I tried to keep Derek up. My body was no longer weak from the toxin but it was getting tired from the constant moving of my legs. Stiles' head keeps ducking under the water a bit which worried me. Derek was still paralyzed which was worrying me on why I was able to get through the toxin.

"Huh!" Stiles broke my train of thought, "Okay, I don't think I can do this anymore..."

"Stiles, don't let go," I exclaimed, "I'm losing strength already, I don't think I can keep Derek up on my own."

Stiles looked over to me, an idea running through his mind. I knew that look and it worried me.

"No," I told him, my eyes wide.

"Yes," Stiles told me, "My phone is still on the edge of the pool. I need to call Scott."

"Stiles," I sent him a hard look, "You let go of Derek and we are both going down. Are you willing to risk that?"

"We need Scott," he claimed, "We are sitting ducks here. Either we get Scott on the phone or we either drown and/or get hypothermia."

There was a pause.

Derek glared at us both as he hissed, "Don't even think about it."

"Trust me?" Stiles asked me.

I took a deep breath and nodded, "Make it quick."

"No," Derek hissed, but he wasn't able to finish his threat as both Stiles and I let go of him.

I watched as Derek slowly floated to the bottom of the pool and Stiles began to swim toward his phone. I counted down to one from ten. As I got closer to one, I gave up on it as I dove into the water after him. I didn't even get to three before I went after my sour wolf cousin. Taking up with me, I struggled to get us both up. It wasn't until Stiles came down to us and pulled us both up.

Derek and I gasped for air. Coughing as we tried to get all of the water out of our lungs. Derek and I looked over to Stiles as he looked at me with worry. I knew right away that Scott had not answered the call. I glared at Stiles in general as I cursed at Scott mentally.

"Tell me you go to him?" Derek growled.

"Huh..." Stiles began, but I finished for him, "Scott didn't answer..."

I could make out that Derek gave up at this point. I didn't blame him. We almost killed him to try to get the one person that could help, only to not even reach him. I would have let go and allowed the water to kill me, but I had to hold on for Stiles. One thing was for sure, I was going to kill Scott.


"I'm getting tired," I stated.

"Babe, don't give up on me," Stiles called out as he shouldered more of Derek's weight on himself, "Wait, maybe we can hold onto the diving board."

"Wouldn't it be able to reach for us?" I asked as I looked over to what he was looking at.

"What else can we do?" Stiles asked.

With a sigh, I motioned with my head and we began to swim over to the diving board. The board was a bit high as Derek weighed on us. Stiles and I kept slipping from the bar, but Derek was to heavy for me. When Stiles tried to go higher, Derek rolled on me as he pushed me under. It was sudden as I sucked in a mouthful of water into my lungs.

Hidden Under the Moon [Stiles Stilinski]Where stories live. Discover now