29 | 'you kill it! you're the man! er ... the ... bigger ... man!'

Start from the beginning

   'You don't know, I could be here to wish you luck on tomorrow's game.'

   Eunra scoffed. 'Unlikely. You're a lot of things, but at the same time you're not.'

   'You see, that's the problem with your kind,' he preached. 'Always quick to pass sentence on anyone you've deemed an enemy. It's why I don't keep friends.' Sure, Sungwoo, me and my kind are the reason you don't have friends. 'You're the ones with the problem, and yet not ready to accept you do have a problem.'

   She couldn't deal with this. 'What do you want, Sungwoo?'

   'Principal Jung's nephew isn't here to save you this time.'

   'I don't think I need saving from the likes of you?' Eunra hoped today would be no different. Was that going to be the case then she could really use a Jaehyun any second now.

   'Your name isn't Doyoung, is it?'

   The discovery would have been shocking if Eunra was thrown off guard by the fact her heart didn't try to dash from her chest. Somebody knew and it didn't feel like the most worrisome thing that could happen. If anything she would be angry with Yuta, for not finding out before this creep.

   Eunra schooled her expression. 'Are you done?'

   'You're not even a boy.' Sungwoo didn't seem pleased with the lack of reaction, so he delved deeper. Brought more facts to the table. 'I wonder why that is really, but I don't care. You have done enough damage to last me a lifetime.'

   'I have caused nothing,' she said, folding her arms over her chest. 'But you're starting to lose it, Sungwoo. Take a hint and give up. Adapt to a normal life—have decent conversations with your mates, make friends. A glorified hall monitor title is less pathetic when you don't overdo it.'

  'You know I'm not wrong.' He wouldn't budge. Sungwoo refused to back down his claims. This had to be the textbook definition of dogmatism. 'By tomorrow tomorrow, everyone will know. Your friends won't look at you the same anymore.'

    Managing a smile, she told him, 'Good luck with that.'

   Then Eunra left.


TAKING THE QUICKER ROUTE BACK to her roommate was not the better idea.

   'Yuta?' She called for him with a timid whisper, staying by the door as if she was visiting. Eunra hoped he wasn't in (he wasn't), and at the same time decided that in or out neither mattered. She woud find him if she needed to. Especially with the update, Eunra didn't want to imagine Sungwoo getting to Yuta first. On cue the door was pushed open on the other side, from behind it emerged Yuta as if he'd sensed he was summoned. He looked neither shocked nor pleased to see her. This returned Eunra to the chicken stage: she couldn't tell him. Maybe she shouldn't. What he doesn't know won't kill him. Or she could sleep a coward tonight, wake up and borrow some courage tomorrow. (Jaehyun wouldn't mind lending some of his, not in this situation, he won't.) Tomorrow: another day, another chance.

   'You're back.' Not that she expected him to roll out a red carpet, but a little enthusiasm didn't hurt. From his countenance, whatever occurred where he was coming from must not have been good.

   So Eunra decided to do the one thing she didn't have practice at and cheer his soul. A tale of Kim Sungwoo never failed to hit right spots, if there was one thing he was at least good at. It was that. If only Sungwoo knew to appreciate the fact he could cure depression in CA students just by existing. 'You will never guess who I ran into.'

Who's That Guy? | Yuta [Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now