"Yeah, I did, what about you?"

" I kind of did, whose clothes were you wearing last night?" I was obviously wearing mine.

Oh. Pause.

Khalifa threw up on me.

" Ohh, Khalifa threw up on my dress last night and he gave me his to change into" I answered and waited for a reply but I couldn't hear anything. " Hello?" I called into the phone and still heard nothing. The network signal wasn't too strong. He ended the call and a few minutes later, I received a text from him.


•I'll call you later. Love you!

I smiled at the text and put it in the pocket of my robe and headed out of the changing room. I found Sophia and Mama Zainab already relaxed on their various chairs. There was one on the right side with cookies and a drink beside it, along with some magazines. That was mine. I was so ready to relax.


We were all going to be dressed in black and white. I picked out Faryah's dress exclusively. It was black and white. I didn't get the opportunity to talk to her when I got back from the event centre. I had to make sure the food, red carpet and seats were all ready. Our Social media pages were all set too. Even the celebrities we invited were already live streaming their behind the scenes. It was the latest trend. We were trending and it was good for our business.

I was done taking my bath. I carefully brushed my hair and shaved my beard a little. I gelled and styled hair before getting into my new tuxedo. It was white, with a black shirt and a bow tie. I wore black shoes and yeah, I looked great. I heard a soft knock on the door before it slowly creaked open. Her beauty inevitably graced my room as she walked in. Her dress was black and white. It was a black shiny lace long-sleeved straight neck dress with white lacy ruffles that started a little way below her chest. She was wearing makeup too and her black scarf was fully tied around her hair. She looked really beautiful. " You look so handsome, Masha Allah" she complimented as she walked to me and placed a gentle kiss on my nose. " And as usual, you're going to steal the crowds attention. The dress fits perfectly" I said as I twirled her around and noticed she was wearing the watch I gave to her. " It does and it really goes with my shiny flats, they're like slippers, and pretty comfortable" She said as she lifted her ruffles up a bit for me to see. They were like bathroom slippers, but it was shiny silver coloured and classier. They were shoes, not slippers and they also fit her tiny skinny feet. " You look amazing" I whispered as I hugged her lightly.

" Where's our gift for Mama Zainab?" I asked and she smiled a little. " Don't worry, It's in my clutch, we'll go downstairs and give it to her" She said as she held my arm and stood beside me. I was ready to go. " Let's go" I chirped and we walked out of my room. Everyone was ready. Brandon, GrandPa, Sophia and Mother. They were all glowing. " You guys, GrandPa wants to show Mother his present outside" Sophia called as we got down the stairs. " Yeah let's go" GrandPa called and we followed them outside.

A white Limo stood right in front of us as we all watched as Mother laughed uncontrollably as GrandPa handed the keys to her. It was a Porsche white Limo. " oh my goodness, thank you dad" Mother screeched as she hugged grandpa. The smile on her face was so genuine. I was glad she was happy. " That's our ride to your birthday party" GrandPa added as Mother smiled with genuine. He really out did himself this year. " You also have a personal hot chauffeur" Sophia added as I watched her lick her lower lip. "I am so telling Ethan" I shot and watched her blush. " I was just kidding" She answered and rolled her eyes at me.

" Well Mama Zainab, I and your son have a special something for you" Faryah said as she pulled me closer to where Mother, Sophia and Brandon stood. " Oh what is it, a private jet?" Sophia asked and I rolled my eyes in response. Faryah opened up her clutch and took out the keys to her birthday present. " A car?" she asked and we smiled. " No, that's a key to your new penthouse in Malaysia" we said as we watched her gasp. Faryah got the idea and I found the idea. " Oh my God, thank you two" She chirped again as she hugged us tight. " We have the photos and Khalid will show them to you when we get back, but for now, Mama Zainab, your birthday party awaits us" Faryah squealed with a wide smile. " Yes, Let's go, your guests are waiting for you sweetheart" Brandon said as the chauffeur opened the limo's door for us to go in.

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