Distant 3 (r)

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y/n pov

Getting up from the comfy recliner, I stretched for a bit, leaving the television on as I left the house for the millionth time that day. 

Veronica has been asking for us to finally move in together after years of being together. 

Ever since high school, we made an effort being with each other and making sure that we were both happy with each other. We wasted too much time without each other. 

For five years we were on and off, we drifted apart in the first year of college but got back together again when on our second year. It went on like that until now, we were 'on' again. So far it's going well, but I can tell that we were going to have a problem again.

According to her, I spend too much time in my old apartment and wants me to get rid of it. I don't know if I was ready to fully stay with her and to be with her 24/7, I love my space and she sometimes goes overboard. She snores while sleeping which makes me sleep on the couch, making her think that I don't want to sleep beside her. 

It was the little things that bothered me, but I love her too much to tell her about those things. Every time we were 'off' I was always the one to apologize first. I find her, wherever she is, and tell her that it was my fault even though she was definitely in the wrong. 

I let out a deep breath and called Veronica to see if I can still move my things in. She got mad at me for not taking her seriously about something, in my defense she talked to me when I was in the middle of my work. That made me miss our dinner, making me come home to an angry Veronica. That also made her kick me out of our apartment, hence me staying in my old apartment. 

At the time, we didn't move in yet so it was a really inconvenient time for me. We were so close and I screwed it up. 

After trying to call her for the fifth time, I gave up and took my car keys. 

Reaching Veronica and mine's apartment, I knocked at the front door. I waited for about ten minutes, knocking on the door every thirty seconds. I groaned knowing that she was on the other side. 

"Veronica," I muttered through the door. I didn't want to embarrass us to our new neighbors. I heard shuffling on the other side, but the door didn't open up. "Look, I'm sorry that I missed dinner. I was really busy that day and- I was working on something so please..." I whispered the last part. 

The door opened to reveal a frowning Veronica. 

"I'm still mad at you." I grinned and took a step back from the door.

"I know, but please let me make it up to you by taking you to another dinner." She rolled her eyes and was about to slam the door closed when I stopped it with my foot.

"Y/n, stop"

"No, not until you agree to come to dinner."

"No." She then pushed me away, which I let happen. I didn't want to anger her more as she slammed the door again. I let out a big sigh and scratched my head. 

"Alright, well I need to go get some advice..."

"You fucking idiot." I gaped my mouth open as Mina paced back and forth in her room. 

Mina was my roommate in college, we became close friends throughout those four years. She made it memorable and fun. She already had a girlfriend and stayed loyal to her, making me a little envious about the love she has for her girlfriend. 

"You really didn't have to call me that- why?" I asked as she gave me a look. 

"Are you kidding me?" I shrugged as she groans and rubs her face. 

"Can you at least tell me what I should do?" Mina sat on her work chair and stared at me. 

"What do you always do when you guys fight?"

"I apologize immediately."

"Do you know what you're apologizing for?" I was about to say something but realized I had no reason to apologize for our other arguments. I just forget some things. 

"I... well... okay this time I forgot our dinner-"

"See, stuff like that would get me mad too, you need to listen to her."

"What- I do!"

"No, no you really don't." She gave me a serious look which was weird, she was always smiling. "You need to communicate with her. Tell her that you didn't hear instead of agreeing. Tell her that you aren't ready to move in with her-"

"But I am ready." I interrupted. "It's just that, when she gets mad she has a knack of kicking me out of her house. Where else would I go-"

"You shouldn't have to go anywhere else. You should work out your problems." I scoffed and shook my head. 

"She will kick me out, where will I go?"

"You can crash here if she really kicked you out. Just tell her what you feel." I groaned and got up from her bed. 

"If I die, I'm going to blame you."

"Well, you'd be dead right?"

"I hate you."

"Veronica! I know you're in there!" I knocked on the door again. The door swung open, showing Veronica with her messy hair. She pulled me into the apartment and slammed the door shut. I crossed my arms and waited for her to lead me to wherever she wanted to talk. When we both weren't moving, I groaned and took her arm to go to the couch that the movers placed a week ago. 

"What are you doing here-"

"I'm going to move in. We are going to live together and we are going to stay together. I want to be with you. I'm going to give away my apartment so when you kick me out, I actually have no place to go to. I want to sleep next to you, wake up next to you. For a while, I didn't know what we were going to be. Honestly, I never thought you would have liked me back in high school. We got this far together, please don't let my idiocy be the end of our amazing relationship." She stared at me and looked down. 

"Finally, now I know you want to be with me." 

"I'm sorry that I didn't say anything before-"

"Well, know you're saying things so it's ok." I smiled and nodded at her. 

"Alright, let me get my bags..."

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