I never stood a chance huh... (N)

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Prompt that I got online:

"I never stood a chance, did I?"

"That's the sad part - you did once." 

"Come on, you got to get up one day..." Jackson stated and entered my room. I was a mess, my eyes puffed up and tissues all over the bed. And may I repeat what a sad mess I was. "K come on.", Jackson said and helped me up. "I don't know why you still try to get her but you need to get over Vanessa. This isn't the first time she blew you off so what makes this time a difference?" I gave Jackson a good look that screamed 'if you don't shut the fuck up right now I'm going to beat your sorry ass'

"Because we were going to see a movie that we planned for a while, I even made sure to have that day free. And that's a huge hassle because that company needs me more than I need them." I explained to him. I then made my way to the bathroom and scrubbed my face with soap. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a broken person. My eyes had nothing, no emotions or anything. I saw Jackson looking at me, he stood in an awkward way as I finished washing my face. He never thought he would see me cry and be in pain. 

"Look she just blew you off, that doesn't mean anything. I bet she feels horrible right no-",

"It's fine." I paused for a second and grabbed my towel gently. "You're right anyways, I mean she never put me first ... even though I did." I scoffed and wiped my face, patting harshly on my cheeks. Jackson gave me a sympathetic look, he put his hands in his pockets and made his way out of my bathroom. 

"Alright, remember to take a shower because we are going to Mina's place." I gave him a questioning look. I gestured to him the whole bathroom. Like the asshole I am I gave a very exaggerated, "You think?". He laughed at me and gave me the middle finger. "Fuck you y/n, hurry up." Jackson rolled his eyes while walking out the door and slamming it hard on purpose. I smiled then got ready to go to Mina's house. 

Jackson POV

'This asshole... she fucking promised' I thought. I roughly got my phone put of my pocket and called Vanessa. The phone rang a few times before it went to voicemail. I looked at my phone with an annoyed expression and was about to call again when Vanessa called. I picked up to be met with a sniffling Vanessa. 

"You promised me Vanessa." I said pacing around y/n's living room. 

"I know... I'm sorry, I tried bu-"

"No, no you didn't try. Do you know how sad it is to see my friend become hurt because of her best friend. Are you kidding me. She put you fucking first you bitch. She got off work for you. She did all this shit for you and what do you do? Shit on her."

"Jackson, please, it's hard enough already that I know she loves me. It's hard to process-"

"What you heard that day, you weren't supposed to hear that."

"You think I don't know that? I wish I didn't hear that because then I would at least not feel awkward every time I'm with her."

"Stop trying to tell me your side of the story, you left her heartbroken. Last night was the last draw. Did you know she cried because of you? You know she doesn't cry. All those times she tried to make plans with you over the phone and you saying you're too busy is too much. You broke her weather you think so or not." I stopped moving around and fixed my hair. I think I hit something in Vanessa, because she didn't say anything for a bit. 

"Well I guess I should break her heart even more by telling her that I don't love her." I froze as I listened to the beeping on my phone. She ended the call. I sat down on y/n's couch and rubbed my hands against my face. 'Shit' I thought. I looked up and saw y/n standing there with a smile. 

"Did you call Vanessa just now?" y/n asked with a knowing look. 

"Why the hell are you smiling, a second ago you couldn't even open your damn eyes." I spat angrily. All she did was smile. 

"Vanessa called me for the first time in a while and told me that she doesn't love me." Again y/n gave me a smile, one I haven't seen in a long time. 

"Why the fuck are you so happy about that?" I said quickly standing up. Y/n smiled and gestured for me to sit down again, which I followed. 

"I know you somehow told her that I was in love with her. And I remember the exact day too. Remember the park." I gave her a look and nodded. Of course I remembered that, I slumped down the couch and looked at my fingers. 

"Alright well I tried to tell her that you were too good for her..." I said trailing off.

"That's fine, it's sad that our friendship ended just like that because one of us caught feelings. Sad she lost a person like me." I looked at her to see if she was joking and oh she was. She gave me a smile and punched my shoulder. 

"Ow!" I yelled and she ran quickly. 

"If we don't get to Mina's quickly she's going to get busy real quick with her Strawberry Princess so lets fucking go!" Y/n said while laughing. I laughed with her. She threw me my keys which fell to the ground because of her assuming that I was ready to catch that and we both left the house.


For the past month it was amazing. I got to do the things I want without anyone else trying to get in the way of my plans. It was a good thing that Vanessa didn't work with me or else that would have been awkward as hell. It was also amazing because I ended up falling for Jackson. He helped me with everything involving Vanessa and moving on. He confessed first but I didn't reject him. I gave him a chance and fell hard. 

It was a rainy day, Jackson was out getting food which I told him not to but he didn't listen, insisting that he was going to be fine. I was watching Romance is a Bonus Book when there was a knock on the door. I paused the episode and went up to get the door. I knew for a fact that it wasn't Jackson because that bitch would have just went in the fucking house and be loud as shit about it. 

I opened the door to see Vanessa. I looked at her for the first time in a month and felt nothing for her. I smiled at her because I did miss her, just not how I used to. 

"Hey Vanessa, come in." I said then made way for her to enter my house. She walked in and turned around. I locked the door and went to get water for her. I could feel her staring at me as I got her the water. "You know if you're going to stare at least try to make it less obvious." I smiled as she looked at me shocked. "Jackson's going to be here soon with food and knowing him he'll definitely have brought extra food." Vanessa smiled and scooted closer to me. 

"I need to tell you something and I'm sorry that I'm late in figuring out my feelings." This was what I was scared of. I didn't want to break her heart. Out of nowhere she grabbed my face and kissed me like her life depended on it. I quickly pulled away. 

"I'm with Jackson now." That kiss made me feel nothing. For her she felt something, but not for me. I saw her eyes shatter as I told her that I was taken. My phone dinged and she grabbed it. 


Sorry I'm going to be a bit late there was a car accident but I got the foods.

Vanessa looked at me with tears in her eyes. 

"Did you always like him?", she asked handing me my phone. 

"Of course not." I said. She looked at me with so much emotions. 

"Who would you choose, me or Jackson?" I looked at her. 

"If you want to know the truth I would choose Jackson." I saw tears going down her face. 

"Did I ever stand a chance?" She asked me her voice trembling. Our eyes met, her watery ones against mine. I already cried for her, years worth of them.

"That's the sad part, I would have chosen you over anyone, even family. I moved on."


One Shots- Merrell Twins/ YouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum