You'll never be alone (N)

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I started packing my bags as I saw the love of my life watch me. I looked at her teary eyes and watched as each tear fall from her beautiful face. Her face was illuminated by the moon light as she watched me with a sad smile. The lights off and the mood sad, I lifted the now packed bag with a heavy heart and started for the door without a word. I looked back and noticed that she closed her eyes tightly trying not to cry anymore than she already did.

I bit my lip trying not to let the tears spill, trying not to come back to her. I slowly walked out the door with the heavy suitcase and started walking out of the house I once called home.

"Wait." a quiet voice said, I turned around and saw her looking at me with so much regret and sadness in her eyes that she almost made me cry by just watching her. Tear streaks were on her face as she gave up trying to wipe it away. All she was wearing was my old high school sweatshirt and really short shorts. She had the hood up and looked at me, wanting to say something, anything, but she couldn't, and I knew she couldn't.

She just stared at me, her mouth opening and closing every now and then trying to say something but can't. I just stared back at her with equal sadness. All I wanted to do was run back into her arms and tell her that I love her and that I knew she didn't mean it. She didn't mean it, she didn't mean it. I kept repeating as I just stared at her. But I knew I had to do this for me.

I closed my eyes again for the millionth time that night trying to blink back the tears as I started for the door again. This time not stopping, not turning around to see that she collapsed to the floor, her knees up to her face, as I close the door and left the keys underneath the mat. I reached into the pocket of my sweatpants and found what I was looking for, the necklace I was going to give her.

I left it on the ground and started for my car.

I opened the trunk of my car and saw some of her sweatshirts and pieces of paper there. I looked at it confused at the paper but didn't say anything about it and just took it all out. I put her sweatshirts and the pieces of paper on top of my car. I put the suitcase in the trunk, closing it, then looked at the top of my car with her hoodies.

I took her hoodies, about to put it in the front of the house when I saw her standing there holding the box with the necklace in it. She had her hand in front of her mouth. Even when she's crying, even when she broke my heart that night, she still looked effortlessly beautiful. I still loved her, no matter what. But all I needed right now was time. Time away from her, and time to heal.

I went up to the house for the last time. I gave her the hoodies, careful not to touch her. She gave me a longing look, knowing that she messed up.

"Please..." she whispered as she reached out for me. I quickly pulled away and took a few steps backwards. She quickly dropped the things in her hands and reached out to cup my face with both of her hands. She had no more tears left to cry, she only had the bloodshot eyes from all the crying. She was breathing unevenly, scared that I might actually leave and never come back.

"I...I know I ...fucked up...but please..." she trailed off her voice hoarse from all the screaming that we did before we got to this part. Which ended to me wanting to leave and in this very bad situation. I just looked back at her not wanting to say anything, because I know that if I did, I would be screwed.

Out of no where she kissed me, she kissed me like it was the last time we would do this, which it might. She knows that this was a goodbye kiss, she knows that I won't be back for a while. So I kissed back with equal passion and love. The love that never left for her. I knew she would be the death of me, the one to break me, but I knew she was also the one that would fix me, and make me feel on top of the world.

She had her arms wrapped tightly around me neck while I grabbed her lower back not wanting this kiss to end as well. But I knew I had to do it for me. After a few minutes I pulled away with bruised lips and a salty taste in my mouth. Tears. It's all I could think of. We still had our arms wrapped around each other and our foreheads connected. She still had her eyes closed, but she never loosed her grip.

"I love you..." she mumbled against me lips. I know that she loves me. But cheating was never an easy thing to forgive. She said it was one time, she was drunk and wasn't thinking clearly. But it still hurts like a bitch knowing that the love of your life was in bed with someone else. I knew she regretted it, but I have been faithful. Everyone hit on me yet I still didn't cheat, even when I was drunk.

I nodded knowing that she didn't mean it. Knowing that it was a huge mistake on her part. I will eventually come back and take her back if she didn't move on yet.

"I love you to Vanessa...but I need time." I mumbled and the tears started rolling down my face again. She wiped my face using her thumbs and held my face. This was hell. I never thought I would be in this situation. Especially with her.

I let go of her back and touched her hands where she held my face. I looked back at her, her eyes filled with so much love, but also so much sadness.

"Remember, you'll always have a piece of my heart... I know you didn't mean it, you were drunk. But when we are apart, you'll never be alone." I said gently putting her hands off of my face.

"And take, a piece of me heart, and make it all your own, so when we are apart, you'll never be alone..." I softly sang to her as I started walking backwards to my car.

"You'll never be alone..." Vanessa mumbled back as she watched me open the door to my car. I looked at her as she turned to the front door and grabbed her sweatshirts and the necklace. She went in the house and I went into my car. I knew one thing is for sure, I'll never get over her, but I can try. I'll come back to her, but I know she will be over me in a month time.

I smiled as I recapped all the happy memories that I had with Vanessa... but right now, all I could do was pray and hope that she won't get over me no matter how selfish that sounds.

I turned on the car, put my seat belt on and started to drive down the neighborhood and to my friends house.

Song: Never be alone by Shawn Mendes

I know that this song didn't really have to do with the situation, eh..

Word count: 1292

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