Trust me? (R)

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I walked into the dark room, I couldn't see anything yet I kept walking. I didn't know what I was looking for but I knew I had to go. There was a certain pull that made me continue on the dark path. Then I heard a noise. A thud that came from behind me. I stopped and didn't turn around because I knew who that was and I didn't want to see him right now. I clutched my hand and gritted my teeth. 'Don't turn around' I thought. Shivers went from my neck down to my spine as I heard footsteps come closer to me. It went slowly, him taking his lovely time, pat...pat...pat... the sound of his shoes echo around the room. I looked straight ahead, not giving him the satisfaction of me being afraid of him.

He all of a sudden stopped. He took my shoulder and gripped it hard. I winced as my shoulder was sensitive and flinched. My fingernails dug into my palm as he gripped my shoulder harder. A lonely tear went down my face. He knew what he was doing to me. He had the power to.

"It's a simple task..." he trailed off. He pushed me down harshly causing me to fall on my knees. I was kneeling on the ground but I refused to look at him. I could feel him moving around me but not in front of me. My knees were throbbing from the fall, my eyes finally adjusting to the dark. I breathed evenly as I have been trained to do ever since I was born. This wasn't the life I wanted. And I had no choice but to accept it. Then he pushed me to the side, making me fall and land on my side. I winced, the bruises on my sides already hurt but all my weight was pushed on my side.

"Ahh!" I yelled clutching my side. He was standing over me. I could see his shadow.

"Don't make this harder than it should be." He lashed out coldly and held my arm. "You will do this and you will get the job done understand!" I looked at him with disgust. I was in pain, I trained my whole life for a simple task to some people but not for me. Not again.

My whole body was filled with bruises from my trainers who beat me up to 'make me stronger' even when I was a small child they still trained me, purposely hitting me and 'teaching' me moves. I ate only healthy things vegetables and meat as it was the only thing offered to me. I had no friends, no nothing, just me and my trainers who teach me the things I needed to know.

Today was different though, I felt it. It wasn't going to be like other days.

All of a sudden the lights turn on. This made me shut my eyes. My eyes were already used to the darkness. It took me a minute for my eyes to adjust. He was still holding my arm. I was still in my side. I breathed heavily, even and slowly. I didn't want him to have power over me. I opened my eyes.

I looked ahead and saw a screen. With a girl. I squinted thinking I looked at the wrong thing, then tilted my head in confusion. He finally let go of my arm and walked in front of me. I looked at him for the first time ever since arriving into the room.

He was wearing all black jeans, shirt, and had a beanie on him. He was also wearing sunglasses inside. Like who does that.

"You might be wondering why you're here and not with the trainers." He said in a bored fashion. He walked around me while kicking at nothing. I sat up and looked around. The room was all white with no windows, no pictures, and nothing around except for the screen with the girl. I looked behind me and see a metal door, which was probably where I came from. While I looked around he seemed to be examining me, checking to see if I noticed which of course I did, I was trained to notice even the smallest of things.

"I can feel you staring..." I trailed off and looked at him directly. He looked surprised. He thought he was doing it subtly which he wasn't. I probably surprised him as I came off weak. I looked weak. I'm small but muscular, thanks to the limited amount of food I had to eat and the constant training everyday for 5-8 hours. I cut my hair short, making it reach my shoulders. One thing that the others don't have except me is that I have a high pain tolerance, except for my shoulders. This made my trainers mad as I only have one weak spot while everyone else was weak all around.

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