The Dentist (Roni)

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"Hello!" you said walking into the dentist waiting room.

 "Hello! Do you have an appointment?" said the receptionist.

 "Yeah um for 5:50." you said.

 "Let me see... Oh yes sorry a last minute thing?" you laugh a little,


"Alright well you can just take a seat right there and the dentist should be right here with you." said the receptionist. So you take a seat and just waited there. 'It's 5:48 my gosh what takes a dentist so long?' you thought taking out your phone. So for the next twenty minutes you just watched YouTube videos and putting your headphones up really loud. That in general is a bad idea but you already had a difficult day. For example, taking three tests in one day for college, watching my little sisters which let me tell you is annoying. My entire day from morning till 6 was taken and I forgot that I had to go to the dentist to get the cavity off my tooth. So you just engulfed yourself in the YouTube videos you were watching. You were watching Ryan Higa when your headphones were yanked out of your ears.

 "Hey!" you said angrily quickly looking at the person who took your earphones. Then you saw a gorgeous girl about your age.

 "I'm sorry miss but i was calling your name and you obviously didn't hear me so I just..." she stopped thinking for a second which you thought was cute. The way she scrunches up her face when she's thinking really hard. 

"Now to think if it I could have gotten your attention a little less roughly I'm so sorry." she apologized.

 "That's ok I'm used to that happening to me because roomates and all." you joked. She giggled and held out her hand. 

"Hello my name is Veronica." she said in a sweet tone. 

"Hello my name is y/n." you say while shaking her hand. "Ok well hello y/n please follow me." she said in an enthusiastic way. So you got up and followed her to the chairs. 

"Um..." you say "I know its like none of my buisness but why is there like no one here?" Looking around there was nobody in sight except Veronica.

 "Oh well the reason for that is because we are almost closed, if you read the times posted on our door you would see that it closes at 6." she explained. 

"Oh well then why am I here if I'm after hours?" you ask. Then she turned around and looked at you, 

"I make exceptions." she said winking at you then walked you to a chair. 'I'm screwed' you thought as blood starts rushing to your face. You slowly followed her trying to keep it cool, which you weren't doing so well.

"Have a seat." she said getting her things ready to get the cavity. "Now do you want something to numb the pain or can you deal with it?" she asked putting her mask on. 

"I think you should numb it please." you said. The cavity was at the in the tooth so Veronica had to drill it and put fillings in.

 "Ok." she said then started getting the injection ready for the numbing. You wait patiently and saw the last staff leaving. 

"Veronica do you want me to pick it up?" asked the lady from earlier.

 "Yes please we can just go out the back door." Veronica yelled back. The lady gave a knowing smile and left locking the door, leaving the both of us alone. You were really confused but shook it off, you just wanted to get the cavity off. 

"Ok it will feel like a little pinch on your gums but thats it ok." she said like she was talking to a toddler.

 "Ok thanks for the warning." you said politely. You opened your mouth and she injected the numb thing in. You couldnt feel anything from the right side of your mouth.

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