Chapter Four-Helen

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I just sit down after finishing a delivery, Maria is washing the baby down whilst the mum is having a shower when a male paramedic comes rushing in. "Got a live one for ya" he grumbles.

The fella seems to be in a pissy mood, but hey, who am I to judge? I follow behind him coming outside. "Hey" I grin as I come towards the ambulance.

There on the bed, is a familiar-looking woman who is looking at me with recognition. "I know you," she says pointing at me. "You were my best friends, midwife, too—Catherine Berkeley" she adds.

Oh, Catherine and Craig. "Ah, yeah, I remember, Craig's wife—I was also Amber's midwife and Eva's too, seems like I've done a full family set" I joke. "I'm Helen, by the way," I tell them.

"I'm Layla, and this is my husband, Colton" The woman, Layla points to herself and her husband.

I remember these two now...

"Yeah, I remember you both now" I grin. "How is everyone? How's little—Ashlyn, is it?" I ask her as the paramedics wheel her into the hospital.

"Yeah, she's six weeks old now," Layla tells me.

"My God, has it been that long already?" I gasp. "Time flies, doesn't it?"

Six weeks?!

"Yup," Layla grins and hisses as a contraction hits.

I look at Layla in sympathy. "How far apart are the contractions?" I ask them. "Has your waters broke, Layla?"

"Yeah, they have and they're coming in at about every ten minutes, now," Colton says holding Layla's hand.

"Okay, well let's get you sorted and we'll assess how far we are" I smile at them both.

Once we're situated they thank the two paramedics even grumpy ass as Layla called him for their help before they leave, letting me get to work with assessing how far along Layla is, before she can start pushing.

"Okay" I smile as I take my gloves off. "You're about eight centimetres dilated now, Layla Hun, well done, babe, you're nearly there," I tell her and Colton's face pales.

"Eight, already?" Colton asks panicked. "Aren't first-time labours meant to be longer?"

Layla snort laughs at him with the mouthpiece in her mouth. "Thanks, babe," she says sarcastically.

"No, I didn't mean I wanted you to be in pain for longer—" he stutters.

Bless him...

"Every woman is different, Colton," I tell him.

"What? Didn't you read that in all the books you read?" Layla growls.

I busy myself getting everything ready for when Layla needs to push.

"I'm sorry, angel" I hear Colton say. "I didn't mean it that way, just that it's happened so quickly—I wasn't expecting it to be over so quick" he adds.

"It's okay, I knew what you meant" Layla pants in pain.

They're coming closer together...

"Another contraction?" I ask her.

Layla nods with the mouthpiece in her mouth as she takes deep breaths in and out. "Good, babe, ride it out" I coo. "Not too fast though" I warn her.

"What can I do?" Colton asks me, no doubt feeling useless right now.

"I'm okay" Layla grunts. "God, I feel sick" she moans looking at Colton sadly before suddenly her mouth opens and she projectile vomits all over him.

Oh, god...

Luke & His Runaway Love (Book Two Of The "And His" Series) (WIP)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt