Chapter Thirty Four ~ Helen

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It's been hours since me dad dropped me and lissa off at Luke's parents house, I'm stood pacing up and down the living room biting my nails nervously. "Girl, you need to sit down, you're making me dizzy" lissa moans from the couch.

"What's taking so long" I ask ignoring lissa's request. "Have you heard from him, Lou?" I ask Luke's dad.

Lou smiles warmly at me before standing up taking the hand that I was basically just chewing in with nerves. "Helen" he says softly. "I want you to take a few deep cleansing breaths for me, and calm down" he tells me.

"But—" I blurt.

"Helen" he replies more sterner.

I roll my eyes and take a few deep breath. "There" I sass.

Lou chuckles biting his lip. "Feel better?" I nod in response making him chuckle again. "Like I said five minutes ago, he was on his way here" he tells me.

"That wasn't five minutes ago"  I huff.

"Darlin', it was" Lou chuckles.

"Fuck me, why is it draggin'?" I whine when suddenly I hear car doors shutting. "Fucking finally" I cry running to the door.

Opening the door I run straight into the arms of the man I love with every fibre of my being and wrap my legs around him before kissing him. "Heeeey" Luke coos. "What's with the tears?" he whispers against my lips.

"Could you like—not show me that shit" My brother Clayton whines.

"Babe" lissa chuckles shaking her head. "We wasn't exactly PG around her either"

"You're meant to be on my side, woman" Clayton growls playfully.

"Are you okay, baby?" Luke asks me.

"I should be asking you that question" I growl. "What happened? Where's me dad? Where's Saint?" I ask panicked looking behind Luke and Clayton.

"Baby, calm" he pleads. "Your dad is fine, Saint is fine"

"You promise?" I ask.

"I promise, baby" he murmurs. "Now, how are my girls?"

"We're fine" I say as my stomach makes a loud rumble.

Luke chuckles tucking a lock of hair that came loose from behind my ear. "My girls are hungry" he says softly before kissing me on the nose and then my lips. "How about we go home, phone for a takeaway?"

"You're not gonna tell me what happened with vinnie?" I ask in disbelief.

Luke sighs heavily. "Babe—all you need to know is that we're sorting it"

"But—" I protest.

"Helen—I don't want this touching you anymore than it already has, please do this for me—for the baby" he pleads.

"Fine" I sigh.

"Can we go home, now?" Luke whispers. "I'm starving and wanna cuddle my girl"

"Okay" I whisper.

"Dad, we're goin okay, I'll see you later" Luke shouts into the living room.

"Bye, kids" Lou shouts back.

I look to my brother and lissa. "Do you wanna come to ours?" I ask being polite hoping like fuck they don't wanna take the invite.

Lissa chuckles. "The fact that you're shaking your head no tells us you don't actually want us coming with you"

Chuckles echo around me making me blush as I didn't even realise I was shaking my head. "Come on, gorgeous girl" Luke croons. "Let's get you home and fed"

Luke & His Runaway Love (Book Two Of The "And His" Series) (WIP)Where stories live. Discover now