Chapter Thirty Nine ~ Helen

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Getting home from the however fucking long shopping spree, I'm knackered and could do with just sleeping right now. God knows how long I was out with the girls for but my feet feel numb as fuck, I toe my trainers off and pull on the lever on the couch that activates the recliner mechanism putting my feet up. I sigh in relief feeling the throb in my feet, my eyes close feeling tired all of a sudden when something covers my face.

I struggle to pull whatever it is off of my face as I try to get my breath back but I end up breathing in the sweet, musky smell and I start to feel sleepy. "Sweet Dreams, Bitch" I hear someone hiss before I black out.

I don't know how long I was out but I groan in pain as a massive headache comes upon me, I go to touch my head but I can't. I open my eyes blinking away the blurriness and notice I'm tied to a bed. Raising my head, I look around and see that I'm alone I don't recognise where I am but rather than worrying about that I look to my pregnant stomach willing Esme to move as I remember that I was drugged with whatever was on that cloth. I start to pull on the fabric that's around my wrists, I pull and pull until the fabric tightens on my skin to the point of pain.

I whimper in despair when I hear movement and a figure stands in the doorway. "Oh, I was wondering when you'd wake up," the voice says coldly.

I realise how familiar the voice is and I realise who it is but she doesn't look like the Suzanne I used to know, she's thin—like painfully thin and pale, she walks closer towards me and I see her eyes are vacant almost in a crazed state. "Suzanne—what are you doin?" I ask her.

She snort laughs humourlessly. "I would of thought that would be obvious"

"But why? What have I done to you to deserve such treatment? My baby" I whimper.

"What about my baby, eh? What about my Vinnie?" Suzanne snarls. "You took them from me"

My heart drops as the realisation that Suzanne must of lost her baby at some point. "Oh, Suzanne. I'm so sorry—"

"Spare me your fake apologies, Helen" she hisses. "You were always jealous of me, trying to take what was mine"

Taking what was hers?!

I frown confused. "Suzanne, I haven't got a clue what you're talking about"

"Vinnie told me all about you" she growls hovering over me. "How you flirted with him"

The fuck...

"What? No, Suzanne. I've never flirted with Vinnie, not once" I plead. "He lied to you"

Suddenly she grabs me by my hair pulling so hard it feels like my scalp is being pulled away from my skull. "Don't you dare say his name, bitch" she hisses pulling my hair again making me whimper in pain. "You and that police fella took him from me." She growls. "What did he do, eh? Did he find out about you trying to take Vinnie from me? Is that why he killed him, eh, EH?" She roars manically before backhanding me so hard across my face and starts laughing when I cry out in pain.

"I have to admit" she chuckles. "I quite like the sound of you in pain, crying—knowing nobody is gonna save you" she laughs evilly.

I feel my baby girl kick and I close my eyes in relief. "Please" I plead. "Please, let me go" I beg. "I won't tell anyone what you did, I promise—just please"

Suzanne taps her chin in thought but chuckles. "Nah, I don't think I will," she says before her hand comes to my stomach I recoil in disgust.

"Get your hands off my baby" I hiss.

Suzanne's eyes gleamed with glee loving this reaction from me. "Oh, hun" she pouts. "I think you mean my baby" she grins.

"I don't fucking think so" I hiss as I try to pull on my bonds once more.

Suzanne giggles darkly. "Oh, Helen" she tuts. "How are you gonna stop me from taking her? Nobody knows you're missing, you're tied up at my mercy."

My eyes well up with tears. "Suzanne, please" I plead. "You know as well as I do she won't be able to survive, it's too early"

She merely shrugs. "Ah, well! Suppose that's a risk I'll have to take, isn't it? Either way, I'll take her from you just like you took my baby from me, win-win" she grins before leaving me once more.

"HELP!!!" I scream. "Somebody, please—help me!!!" I cry.

All I hear in return is Suzanne's laughter, the woman is fucking certifiable. I carry on screaming and pleading for help until my throat is raw.

"Somebody help me" I whisper in desolation.


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