The Politics of War

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"Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.." – Mao Zedong


DATE: MAY 19, 2035

TIME: 12:03:16

Immediately after President Jameson's rousing declaration of war, the United States of America began preparing to once again for war. Before, they fought only to defend – to defend their ideals of freedom and democracy, to defend those that could not defend themselves, and recently to defend themselves against the Russians invasion of their country and of Europe.

Very seldom did the US ever attacked in retaliation and the only times they did was when Al-Qaeda brought down the World Trade Center and when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor – both of which were fueled by anger and outrage stoked by the words of those in power.

Now for the third time in its history, the United States of America would fight to avenge the terrible acts committed upon its citizens and lands against an enemy that either had a copious amount of audacity or is completely insane to think that they could attack the most powerful country on Earth on a whim. Did they think that if they destroy their homes, slaughter their loved ones, capture many of their fellow Americans to do God knows what to expect the American people to just bend over to their sadistic regime?

When the time was right, they would find out that the true depth of their actions and the consequences that awaits them.

The United States had more than enough muscle to launch a full scale invasion right now. High Command however, knew that even with their superior firepower and tactics they literally had no idea where that passageway or 'Gate' according to the leads to.

For all they knew, an even larger force was waiting for them on the other side just waiting for them to come through. It also did not help that the Gate would essentially bottleneck their forces, making them dangerously vulnerable to attack.

The United States knows far better than to underestimate an enemy like that no matter how pathetic they are and no matter how far their strength difference is. The lessons of the Vietnam War, the War on Terror and World War 3 are a shining testament to that.

It is why, two days after President Jameson's official declaration of war, did the National Security Council convene in the White House's John F. Kennedy Conference Room to discuss what they have learned so far about their latest foe in greater detail They wanted to talk about the risks involved, the ultimate objectives of this upcoming war and how to achieve them, the preparation of their forces and other miscellaneous concerns that could wait in the end.

They did not have to wait long though as President Jameson came into the room. All those in attendance rose from their seat in respect to the Commander and Chief.

"Mr. President." They intoned in greeting.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." President Jameson nodded in acknowledgement to them as he reached his seat and sat down, prompting the others to do so as well. The President sighed tiredly and everyone in the room could see that he was doing so well over these past few days.

He had bags under his eyes, his hair was slightly unkempt, and his complexion got a little bit paler were among other things they could overtly see. It would appear that the President has not been getting some much needed sleep with everything going on.

No one could blame him though. No matter who you are, the weight of having to lead your country through a period of great strife was...staggering to say the least even to the most hardened of leaders.

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