First Meeting #1

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*You're about 20 years old. All the pastas that are young, have been aged up*


BEN Drowned: 
"Stupid game," I snarled, tossing the gaming console on the ground. I was playing online and everyone keeps killing me because my internet sucks, so I keep glitching. 

Glaring at the "Game Over." sign on my screen, I crossed my arms, allowing myself to calm down. As I leaned down to pluck the gaming console I threw on the ground, my game began to get all static and fuzzy. 

"Are you serious?!" Running a hand down my face, I stood up and marched over to my TV. "I hate you. All you do is get me stressed!" Pointing my finger at the TV screen, I screeched when a hand wrapped around my wrist. I tried to free myself, but this person's grip was excessively powerful. 

"Be careful at what you stay to some video games, (Y/n)~" A deep gravely voice lectured before everything went hazy.

Bloody Painter: 
Moving my pencil over my paper, I hummed a tiny tune to myself. I was currently relaxing on a park bench, drawing the adorable ducks that floated in the small pond. I tossed them a couple bits of bread, so they would stay as still as they could get in the water. 

"That's a cute drawing." Jumping, my pencil flew out of my hand and smacked me in the head. 

"My apologies. I'm Helen." A male with black hair smiles at me, picking up my pencil that dropped onto the grass. 

"Oh, no, you're fine. I just wasn't expecting someone to talk to me." I laughed, rubbing the back of my neck as Helen gives me my pencil back. "I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you." Shaking his hand, I could feel how smooth and warm they were. 

"Well, have fun drawing. I hope I'll see you around more often." He gives me a tiny smile, his dull blue eyes revealed a small bit of light in them before wandering off. 

"What a nice guy." I grinned to myself, noticing the ducks staring at me. "What? Don't look at me like that." I grumbled, crossing my arms.

Candy Pop: 
Speeding through the stranded carnival, I peered over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't trailing after me. I was running for my life from this towering jester figure. I was just having a delightful tea party with a bunny until my whole world got distorted, and I landed here. Though this is a dream, it still appeared real. 

"(Y/n)~ You can't run forever~" His haunting voice caused a shiver to go up my spine. Darting into a tent to hide, I smacked into a firm chest, making me fall to the dusty dirt. "Aw, look at you. You look adorable when frightened." He giggles, his magenta eyes sparkled with amusement. It felt like I was frozen under his gaze. I couldn't move, all I could do was stare at him, hoping he won't hurt me. 

Snapping out of my dream, I screamed once his hand shot out at me and crushed my head like a watermelon. Brushing my hands around my face, I noticed I was still alive and fine. 

"There's no way I'm sleeping again after that." I coughed, wiping away the tears that rolled down my cheeks.

Dark Link: 
Playing Zelda with my friend, we laughed around and cracked some jokes. "Bro, you so got a crush on Link." She teased, poking my cheek. Blushing, I pushed her finger away from me. 

"Do not! I prefer Dark Link! Thank you very much!" I glared, causing her to roll her eyes. 

"Whatever, Link lover." Groaning, I ignored her and continued to play our game. As we were almost done with one of the levels, Dark Link came out of the ground behind Link. "Oooo~ There's your lover!" Bitting the inside of my cheek, I watched as they were about to fight, that is, until the TV paused. 

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