Mom: Yes, he has... he is showing you in dreams

Fallen: What you mean

Mom: He feels you Fallen... you and him has always had a connection and a weird bond ... he has always been crazy about you, but it took him feeling what you felt for him to know that he was enough for you. When you were 16, I knew he was your husband because no matter how stubborn you were and tried to be towards him, he was always persistent. You guys were a couple before y'all decided to like each other its was always something there.

Fallen: What are you getting at

Mom: Faith child just have faith. Honey God is not showing this to punish you he wants you to see the bigger picture. Pray let him keep revealing things to you keep your heart pure and don't give up on yourself how can God continue to do what it is he is trying to do if you give up okay, we all get worry now repent and get back on your horse and keep the faith and be encouraged

She hugged her mom and then her mom left.

Feeling drain she gains the courage to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. She turns on the light and for once in 3 months she looks in the mirror just dazing at herself and she see is regret and disappointment which makes her numb because now in life she has lost a lot and gone through so much in life for her seeing the light of day is not easy and if you don't know what I mean here is an example imagine climbing a mountain and as soon as you reach the top and claim victory the mountain grows taller and now you have to climb some more and you thought you good until it grew again you would be tired too right? Well that's Fallen she had health issues growing up but when she conquered it years later it popped up again but in the middle of that mess love knocked on her door and if she is honest with herself she can admit that she kept the door locked on love do to what she was dealing with concerning her health and whatever it was that God placed in Eden he just would never give up on her even though he wasn't really ready then he was sure where his heart was and when the time came he was gone do right by her and make her his forever but did Fallen know that.. No, she just wanted to make sure this wasn't a waste of her time because at the end of the day games was not what she was into playing.

Eventually moving from the mirror to running bath water she stares out the window with her phone on do not disturb so many people were leaving her songs and words of encouragement and Happy Birthday's on her voice mail and on all her social media pages but she didn't care for all that she just wanted to be left alone but through it all she pushed and ran bath water and sat in her tub with her eye closed.

Fallen: I believe but Lord help my unbelief

Then she took a deep breath and laid her head back on her head rest connected to her tub. Meanwhile Eden goes to the store and turns in the camera he found at this mysterious place he had a key to. And once he was done, he went to pick up flowers for Fallen he knew it was her birthday and what all he think he know about her heart being broken.

Florist: Hi sir long time no see

Eden: Huh who me

Florist: Why yes, the last time I seen you was on Valentine's Day

Eden: You sure it was me

Florist: Yes, you silly... you come here all the time getting flowers for her

Eden: For who Kelsey

Florist: Who is that I never heard of her

Eden: What

Florist: Silly I am talking about your forever honey remember that girl you married her I did her flowers remember pink white silver and gold you said she loved them remember

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