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Love also pronounced as luhv ...

But if you look up the word what does it mean?

Well one meaning is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person

Another one is sexual passion or desire

But biblically speaking it talks about the hardship of love and what you go through like suffering long being kind no matter what no envy and no matter what you can't provoke it well at least you shouldn't and with all that you endure it can't fail.

So, as you follow this story would you still call it love or would you call it never ending pain.? to be honest I wouldn't call it love I mean seriously who wants this if this what love is... I can do bad all by myself

But anyways back to the story sorry I just had a moment GOSH they got me in my feeling!!!!

Now we have been going through the emotions and the journey with Eden and Fallen the past and the future but now that things are reaching an end what will be they're fate I mean let take Fallen for example she ever since Bennet took her to Hamilton they have not been able to separate from each other I mean dating he have took her everywhere she has dreamed of going and she is happy while now things has changed for Eden he pretty much stalks Fallen page now like for real the boy watches everything she puts on social media and I don't who was more happier since he broke ties with Kelsey crazy self and I thought that meant yay finally he and Fallen will be together but no she done moved on!!

Eden has been doing a lot of soul searching and wondering about this picture he got from the Florist. Praying for more from his past he has been living in the apartment he stumbled up on and while being there and looking everywhere a red velvet box falls the closet so he picks it up and when he opens it it's a beautiful diamond ring with a note attached to it "Hey bro I hope this one fits" and then he gets a head ache and a memory pushes through

Eden: I vow to love you and cherish you for as long as I live, I promise to be your protector and if have to lay my life down for you no longer am I one single person but now one in flesh with you. Fallen you are my rib and I was created for you. You are not a play mate you are a help meet and I am grateful that God placed you in my life because of you I have changed a lot not by anything weird but because of your prayers and your unconditional love and support and fight for me spiritually you have caused me to want to be different and for that I am forever yours you are my better half

A tear comes down Fallen face and she squeezes Eden hand tighter

Fallen: I promise to love you forever I promise to hold you down through thick and thin I promise to be the best part of you I can be. Today I give you all of me. You mean the world to me and I am happy to do this not only with you but with God. To be honest I ask God for his stamp of approval that he was in this

Eden: Well did you get your stamp yet? And what was it

She laughs and tell him to look out the window as he looks out the window, he says I am so confused right now baby explain. She grabs his hand and pulls him closer.

Fallen : You have always out did me in everything thing romantic you are an awesome friend and man and now husband and for even though you scare me so much I can't see myself being with anybody but you I ask God for snow to let me know he is in it and immediately he gave me snow and I couldn't wait to come here and be your wife Eden ... babe you are a great man with a pure heart and love me so much I can't help but cry because babe I haven't told you this before but when you are not around I feel your love for me running through my body I know I have your heart but babe I want you know you have mines too

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