Chapter Twelve

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Angelo collapses to the floor. "Are all Wyverns.. so insane?"

"Yes and no?" Diano shrugs. "All Toksin soldiers definitely are. There's not a single one thus far that has passed even one psych test. Many of us have been diagnosed by doctors as clinically insane."

"Wow," Angelo laughs, panting and exhausted from training. "Even hot and blonde over there?" He points in the distance to Juniper, who by the way has platinum hair naturally fading to black. She's chatting with Arrivian. Diano rolls his eyes at the mention of Jun's beauty.

"Believe me," Diano scoffs, as he turns away from the human, looking over at Juniper. "Shorty over there is definitely no exception."

"You two a thing?" Angelo asks. Diano flinches at the question.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Diano asks with menace, still turned away. It takes every ounce of self control he has not to incinerate the human for even suggesting such a thing.

"Like, are you together? In a romantic way." Angelo clarifies, not fully reading the situation and much to his demise. Diano turns back to Angelo just to glare daggers at him. Angelo flinches, realizing he really shouldn't have asked.

"No." Diano growls. The fact that Angelo would ever even think that Diano was with Jun made Diano's blood boil. Though, if Diano were honest with himself the thought didn't entirely turn him off. Though he grew up with Jun, so she's more like an annoying sister that you just can't, and don't want to, get rid of. "That's it for practice, so go and change out of that sweaty suit."

"..Okay." Angelo sighs as he gets up and walks away, relieved for escaping with his life. He enters through the green door. He still has the green suit, even though he's on par with a Rank A now. They didn't have the time nor care to switch suits. Though Angelo is excited to wear the Black A Rank suit the next time they train. It's been about six days of training, and all Angelo can say about it is that Wyverns are relentless. If humans simply studied school the way they study and train, everyone on the planet (even those who are incapable of high-level thinking) would be excepted into schools like Harvard or Caltech. Wyverns take knowledge, health, and combat training ridiculously seriously. And not just the army, apparently Wyvern citizens and soldiers are on par with each other when it comes to health and physical capabilities. The King makes sure that every family is provided for, every child gets exceptional education, and health care is provided with no charge in any way shape or form. Angelo didn't obtain this information from either Princes or an official. He learned this through a D Rank soldier who came from a family of eight kids. The D Rank had just joined the army a month ago. Angelo noticed a while back that not a single soldier on this ship has more than six years worth of experience. Other than retired veterans that rejoined six years ago.

Angelo strips his suit off, and sits down on the floor. Leaning on the wall, he closes his eyes and runs his fingers through his hair. He's acquired more knowledge about life, the universe, and everything in the past week than any other human in the foreseeable future will ever learn in their lifetime. Humans have been oblivious to so much, thinking their wars were chaotic and taxing. Humans thought that they couldn't find life anywhere else was because there simply isn't any, but really the Wyverns have protective force-field like things around every fraction of their empire that blocks detection from far-away or deep space transmitters/detectors. And human technology is too primitive, anyways. Humans believe that they're the most intelligent species on their planet, but there's apparently a race of humanoids that live underneath the ground and icy sheets of the poles.

Angelo laughs at his own race shortly, realizing how oblivious they really are to everything going on around them. Then it hits him, Am I the first human to learn of all this? Then he remembers Diano mentioning Phoenix's friend Reyza. Of course she would tell her girl friend. Angelo chuckles. So he's not the first, but he is one of only two. And that's pretty awesome.

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