27 ★ Little valentine

Start from the beginning

     I don't really want this moment to ever end. I realize that my dream is to have this every night for the rest of my life. There wouldn't be a complaint to be heard out of me for the rest of my existence.

    When the song draws to a close, we're still waltzing around. Finally Cedric stops, and I sigh. I have to remind myself I have all night to spend with him. Every little moment can't last forever. I just wish I could have millions of them. I've spent my whole life boyfriendless, and now I'm trying to catch up on what I've been missing.

     I hope he'll want to settle down eventually. I think about what my mom will say, she'll definitely have something to complain about. I think Cedric's perfect, but I know she'll feel differently.

     I flutter my eyes shut, sighing happily. I want to stay here every single night. Maybe one day I can. Once we no longer have to hide that we're together, there won't be anything holding us back. We can have our relationship out in the open. It's almost too good to be true when I think about it.

     Cedric holds me close to him, his whole body like a space heater. He pulls me up a little so I'm standing on his feet. I squirm, feeling like I'm probably too heavy to be doing that. He won't let me climb off though.

     "Stop, I'm squishing your toes!" I insist, annoyed and amused all rolled into one. He scoffs, laughing at me.

     "You're too tiny to hurt me." Cedric says, shaking his head with the most handsome little smile on his face.
I reach up, brushing  my fingers against the corner of his lips.

     "Your smile is so perfect." I tell him softly, and before he can answer, I lay my cheek on his chest again. I can only imagine to timid look on his face. I grin at the thought.

     I can't get over the fantastic fuzziness that takes hold of me when I'm touching him. It's like magic. It's a strange, obsessive feeling that draws me towards him. I can't get enough of it.

     The only thing I can wish for is that I get to keep him now that I have him. Because I don't know if I'll ever be able to let him go.

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Cedric POV

     Even after the credits roll on the movie, and the screen goes black, I still have my little human nestled into the crook of my arm. She's perfect, and oh so warm and soft. She sleeps soundly against me. Hendrix fell asleep halfway through the movie, and since that moment I didn't pay attention to a single thing on the television.

     She insisted on watching an animated Disney movie, and I agreed. She's the only one who could convince me to sit through an hour and a half of singing and dancing.

     I was regretting my decision, that is until she put on another one of my shirts and proceeded to snuggle into me like a kitten as we ate the brownies she made. She's stuck to me like glue, and I'm not complaining. I wouldn't have it any other way.

     As I hold her against me, I can hardly breathe. I love this girl more than anything. I've decided that every night I spend with her has become the best night of my life over and over again. I clench my jaw when I realize how many more we can have. As soon as my mark is on her, we have the rest of the time in the world.

     Fear trickles in. Just sitting with her now I can feel how delicate she really is. My hand traces her arm, her shoulder, her tiny little fingers. The bones underneath are proposoroisly frail.

     I used to be amused at how weak and helpless humans are, and now I'm cursing it. Hendrix's fragile nature is my enemy. Though I love her softness, I am not a fan of her humanity.

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