Chapter 22- How Could You

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Here is a lengthy one & please don't hate me after reading it♡

Ariz i called his name as I couldn't found him near me, where is he gone? i got up and headed towards the door, i tried to open it but it was locked from outside, i checked in store room in washroom but ariz was nowhere, i never get this man don't know what he is up to always,

i called him and found his cell on side table, this can't be he is freaking me out, and then I saw a note placed on mirror

Good Morning Love, I'm going out for some work and locking the door from outside, don't you worry just get ready when I'll be back we will go to uni.

Ok so this man never fails to amaze me, what he is I'll never get to know, where he is gone without even meeting me, let him back today I'll take his class i got ready with all these thoughts and when I was waiting for him I heard some voices out

Ariz is that u I asked from room but no answer, look ariz I’ll jump out from the window if u are not gonna answer me I said but again no reply augh I sat there and waited for him, after almost 1 hour he unlocked the door came in smiling

Good Morning Sweetheart a morning wish with shining eyes I got up and looked at him with narrowed eyes he kissed my forehead ignoring my anger and went to change,

Ariz where u were? I asked keeping hands at my side he looked at me with his typical smirk and went in

Seriously? Ariz I'm asking something I asked again standing there waiting for him to come out he came out and stopped with a freak looking at me augh these women

What? i raised my eyebrows, u gave me a fright ayat he said smiling what is going in ur mind ariz I asked as I was irritated now, u try to made me gone not answering my questions do u want me u get mad?

U are already  mad my love he chuckled, seriously? Was u with any other girl I asked don't know why I said this but I did

He laughed loud looks like someone is getting jealous on me

Of course i will get jealous on u ariz, u are my husband and the only one on whom i can get jealous i said angrily

don't worry i was not with any girl u stupid he said and went out, wait did u just called me stup... my sentence left in between when i saw breakfast on table, who made this my question was changed now

augh ayat so many questions, is choty sy dmagh main ye sb a kidhr ay jaty hyn he said jerking my head, what chota sa dmagh augh Ariz u never failed to amaze me I must say pta nhi kiya dmagh main chlta ryhta hy ap k i said while sitting

look u don't like to made breakfast so i thought I’ll take this responsibility, so from today i'll make it for us he said moving me towards him

ahan looks like someone is becoming joru ka.gulam i chuckled, it'll be my privileg Sweetheart he chuckled even more

Aaahh why are u so perfect Ariz why i sighed, because I have u in my life a perfect messy pagli wife he said and winked, i smiled and start eating breakfast,

btw I'm not that perfect Mrs. Ayat Ariz he said while gulping his coffee eemm what that means I asked and finished my juice.

He held my hand and took me somewhere, wait what where aarrrrr...

and here I'm standing in my kitchen having mess everywhere, Aaarrriiizzz i said firmly and he put his one hand on his mouth and other on ear sorryyyy and i literally start laughing ok so those pancakes cost me this mess hmm .. wait let me clear it, will u do this daily he smirked, only if u cook those pancakes for me daily i winked, i would love to he said like he has won an award and i laughed ok but now let me clear this all mess i said and cleared all the mess in kitchen

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