Chapter 22- I Am His Bet

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  • Dedicated to Fizza Bukhari

Fizza this one is for you:))♡...

I got up having a bad headache, I felt my hairs twitching, I turned back and looked at Ariz, oouuucccchhhh aaaggghhh he was clutching my hairs in his hands, seriously ariz, I turned to him to wake him up and forget my pain, while sleeping he looks like an innocent child, aaahhh innocent I literally giggled on my word, but why is he grabbing my hairs, I looked on his face and slapped him,

He opened his eyes with a shot, what he shouted, my hairs ariz I said while pointing at his hands, I saw a smirk in his eyes and he left my hairs, sorry but did u slapped me for this he looked at me frowning, I giggled and got up from bed, what so funny han? He asked showing me his anger but I clearly can see he is fighting his smile back, no I said while putting my hands on torso, ahaan so then? He asked rolling his eyes, well did anyone ever told u that u sleep like a baby I said chuckling and…

And he asked? And its hard to… I left my sentence incomplete, he got up and stand on bed taking support of his knees, eeemmm I looked around I don’t want him to turn into romantic mood now, not right now, and he again repeated cupping my face in his hands, and its hard to control I whispered, he blinked his eyes like he has seen any ghost

Oh Allah, no no why I said that what make me to said that uuufff I’m so dead impossible to run, Ayat u are gone, yes u are and I’ll not let u run he said back, what he just aagghh not again did I said it loud I asked? No I can hear your thoughts he said, ok here we go, Ariz we are getting late we have to go to uni, I don’t want to fail this semester please, you have your whole life here ayat u can clear it anytime u want he said holding my back from one hand, nooo don’t do this please my mind shouted, oh mishi u again I said looking at back, what he looked behind and I ran towards washroom, I stopped at door and looked back chuckling, aaahhh he lyed back I could do anything for this smile he said winking on me and I felt my cheeks red I went in.

I came back and chceked his wardrobe to give him dress, eemm well I think I can do it now, I’m not so in this men thing like what they should wear and what not, what combination will look good on them and all that but I think I can do this for my husband yes I should, I looked at his wardrobe, ya khuddaya, what to choose I picked up a white shirt a blue denim jacket with black jeans all right it’ll look good on him, I turned back and forget to blink, he stood right behind me folding his arms, my eyes went below he is shirtless oh, whaaattt he is shirtless my GOD I never knew he is so damn hot lol, I felt myself drooling over him, I looked at his face and he having his typical smirk on face aaggghhh he want to seduce me I shook my head and turned back,

I can clearly understand now, why u always take so long in getting ready, what I looked at him than his biceps down his abs enough my mind slapped me and I looked at him, this smile, jaan bujh kr kr rha hy ye aysy, here ur dress and cover yourself I said covering him with his jacket he laughed on me and I ran out of room, phewww I’m so mad he is my husband but uuufff I never thought he will be this hot, I prepared breakfast having these thoughts, I turned back to dining table and here again he is sitting here, is he is a ghost? Ariz what I said, what? he raised his eyebros, u want to give me a heartattack, yes he mumbled but I heard it, I shook my head and place his coffee in front of him, here and finish it hurry up, or I’ll miss my class I said firmly, he smiled again, what is going in his mind I don’t know,

I sat on chair next to him and spread butter on my slice, this? He said Shockley, what I looked at him? Eeemm ayat these slices jam butter and cooffe, mujhy lga mujhy aj prathy khany ko milyn gy wo bhi alluu waly, seriously ariz ap ko kb sy alluu waly prathy khany ka shoq a gya, I said frowning, jb sy ap sy shadi hui hy he chuckled, ok but abhi ye e khao I said and start eating, eeemm yrrr he pouted, ariz I tried to say something but then stopped, what ayat kyh do I promise breakfast hi khaun ga tumhyn nhi, I smiled and said, woo actually I am sorry for not making a proper bf, eemm I mean breakfast actually I don’t… I don’t like to make bf aagghh I mean breakfast, I know this is wired but I hate it, I can cook for u my whole life except in morning I said and looked at my hand, I don’t know what u’ll think but I just hate it I hate it and I hate it specially right now when I am getting late and my handsome husband trying to seduce me I said with a little smirk, hahaha he laughed loudly and I got freeze eemm what I said, nothing ayat, seriously u are mad he said and finished his coffee, btw u only hate making breakfast or u also hate eating it? What I looked at him haha my silly wife finish it plz, at least kha to skti ho na he said and got up, he turned back, its ok ayat u can call it bf he winked ant went out

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