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Relationship is one of the most important factors in success. Everybody needs somebody to become successful. The type of people you relate with will determine your future. I'm sure we all know this saying "show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are."
Every successful person made a decision to be intentional about who they associate with.
You need to know how to make relationships and most importantly how to keep them.

Theodore Roosevelt said, "the most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people."

You need to learn how to get along with your customers, clients, boss and everybody that's important to your career and buisness.
A healthy relationship is one that's outside the social networking. A solid relationship is being developed by one on one fellowship. Taking time to know them beyond the social platforms. Organizing meetings for personal interaction that way you know who you are dealing with.

If you want to get to the top of your career or buisness, the worst thing to do is to focus on work, work, work. Success is all about personal relationship.
Every CEO and entrepreneur will tell you that their biggest asset is their network. That's where opportunities and informations you need comes from. That's where you can get all the help you need. When you have a personal relationship with someone it creates a level of trust different from someone you just know only on social media.
When successful people have problems they run to friends and they surely get the help they need because they have people that can offer such help. So it's important to have friends to which you know you can run to when problem arises. You are a pastor and most of your friends are buisness men, when you have problems and need counsel who would you run to?
You have to build relationships with like minds, with people worth more than you are because you know someday you would be like them.

For a relationship to be strong and lasting there has to be a give and take, you can't keep collecting without giving. That's why you have to have something to offer. Serious minded people would not want to remain your friend when they know you have nothing to offer.
Positive relationships helps us become more supported, connected and fulfilled.

T. D. Jakes said, "feed those who feed you." Some people are only there to sap you without wanting to add to you in anyway. I'm not saying you shouldn't help but it's also necessary to have someone who adds value to you as much as you do to them. Be generous but be smart about it.

One of the most important things we need in becoming the best person we can be are the relationships we develop. To experience your best self in your field you have to surround yourself with the best people; people that believe in you, people who motivate and inspire you, people who encourage hard work and discipline.
If all your friends are people who does the opposite of those things listed above then you need a change of friends. You can't be more than the people you associate with. Why do I say so? You spend most of your time with them and the moment you want to do something that would make you go higher they are always there to drag you down. They don't even believe in themselves, how would they believe in you. Most times when you lack belief but you present the idea to your associates with great minds and belief, there's always a transference of that belief and you would end up believing in yourself. The Bible said "iron sharpens iron."
It is important to develop a relationship with those who would want you to stretch yourself and push you to your full abilities.

Have a mentor
A mentor is a wise and a trusted counselor or teacher. Someone who has something you admire. Someone who is excelling in your field. Someone who you can see and relate with personally.
A mentor is different from a role model.
A role model is a person whose behavior, example or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people.
Most of the time the word role models are used for people you can only emulate by theirs works and achievement. They actually are not readily available to teach you or guide you so you just learn from their works. It's good to have a role model but it's more important to have a mentor. Someone like Jesus Christ himself is our role model he can't guide us himself that's why he sent the holy Spirit who is like a mentor because the holy spirit guides are teaches us. You can ask the holy spirit questions and he'll answer so he's definitely a mentor. I hope you understand the difference? Let me give another example. Mark Zuckerberg to most people is unreachable. You can't talk to him one on one. You can't have a personal relationship with him so he can only be a role model to you because there's a lot of things to emulate from him so it's wrong for you to say he's your mentor because you ain't having a personal relationship with him.
If you ask some people who their mentor is? They would say Jesus or mention someone they know they can't relate with on a personal level. A mentor should be someone you can relate with. Someone you know you can see. If i ask those who say their mentor is Jesus Christ how many times they have seen him or rather those who say Mark Zuckerberg is their mentor do you have his number or how many times have you been able to speak with him about your problems? These people can only be role models.

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