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You have learned that everything that is created or acquired begins in the form of desire, then imagination, where plans for it's fulfilment are created and organized.

What are your thought pattern like? What do you think about most of the time? We all know that we become what we think consistently, then it's an opportunity for us to think big. Do not put limitations to your thoughts and imagination. Think big and believe you can achieve everything.
Consider yourself as a super powerful being, what would you imagine about your future?

Success begins from the mind so you need to ensure that your thought pattern is directed towards success. Meditate on it every now and then and you will become one. If you meditate consistently on the thought that you can grow your income from 100,000# monthly to 200,000# monthly it will cause the law of attraction to bring such opportunities you need to achieve that goal.

Do not put limitations to your thoughts
Some people would put limitations to their thoughts because they don't believe in themselves, they think that the dream is to good to be true. Have you ever thought about how we communicate with people far from us with devices? That's somebody's thought you know, it was someone's idea and I'm sure at that time most of his friends would call him mad.
What about Thomas Edison his idea to create electricity, that is so big but it's someone's idea. So why put limitations to your thoughts? Just dream as much as you can, believe everything is possible and take bold steps. If Thomas Edison just thought big and didn't take any step we wouldn't be using electricity now. The world is lacking something that only you can achieve. Yes there are many people doing what you are doing but there's something unique about the way you'll do yours that will make a different impact entirely. If you believe this then get up and start doing something and we'll all see you at the top.

How to think right at all times
This is something you need to maintain, right positive thoughts. Everything that happens to an individual depends on the state of their mind. As Christian's we all know that our thought matters so as our belief.

Proverbs 4: 23 "above all else, gaurd your heart, for everything you do flows from there."

The Bible talked of us guarding our hearts jealously because out of it comes the issues of life.
When a thought drops in your heart a seed has been planted, it's growth is determined by you. The moment you begin to meditate on that thought it begins to grow and then spread and it will change your whole attitude and actions whether positive or negative.

The first way to maintain a positive right thought is too gaurd your heart, determine the type of thing you listen to, see, taste, feel and smell that's gaurding your five senses. Choose to always listen to positive things and see positive things. You can condition your thought pattern towards your goal by listening or visualizing things associated with it at all times.
Now when you come in contact with something negative whether you like it or not a thought would be sown immediately but thank God we have the ability to discard it and we can choose not to meditate on it.

Secondly gather materials that would help you build your thoughts and belief and write down your definite purpose or the idea you want to plant in your mind. Write it out in places where you see it at all times, in your bedroom, your office, your car. Read it aloud to yourself every time. Like I wrote down my definite purpose and I read it aloud to myself everytime, most preferably last thing before going to bed and first thing in the morning. So no matter what happens I know who I am and what I want to achieve and when people say something about me that's not true I don't even bother thinking about it because if you give it a chance it will grow rapidly. Thought spreads like cancer so be careful what you think about.

Thirdly surround yourself with people that says what's important to you, thinks like you do and believes in you. There's a saying "show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are."
You become like the people you associate with because one way or the other they plant seeds in your mind that will germinate, if you're not careful. I've noticed that negative opinion grows faster even without your knowing but you have to be conscious if you want to grow positively. Prioritize your relationships and spend quality time with people who are important to your future. Have mentors, people who are leading in what you want to do, allow them to tutor you and mentor you. Observe how they do things and ask questions from time to time.

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