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Everyone was born into this world for a purpose, we were all made to solve a problem, to do something big, because our God is a big God and according to 1st John 4: 17 which says, "as he is so are we in this world."

There's this desire in a man to be successful and that's a good thing because, there's a lot of things you can't achieve without money.

Success comes from a life of pursuing your purpose, it gives you fulfilment. Some people ask can I be successful in something out of my purpose?, Yea sure you can but you will lack fulfilment and that's the beauty of success.

Knowing your purpose is the first thing to achieve on your way to success, every successful person always advice that you do that which you love and the good news is your purpose can be likened to your passion, that yearning inside of you that cries for expression.

What is purpose?

Purpose can be defined as the reason for which something is done. It can also be defined as a goal, aim or target or a result that is desired.

Looking at all these definition, I'll like to add that purpose is the reason for your existence, the reason why you were born into that family, in that environment, with that colour and all those things that makes us up. God knew that a certain problem would come up in your generation, so he designed you to solve it, he gave you everything you needed to pursue it and get it done.

2peter 1:3
"His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness"

The Bible verse above says it all, the problem some people have is that they haven't come to the awareness of the fact that they have everything they need to solve that problem in them, all the ideas they need to start up a business, to move thier career to the next level is in them, all you need to do is to search deep within you, allow the holy spirit to bring those things to you awareness and you allow him by asking him and definitely you will receive answers.

How to identify your purpose
From our definitions above we already know what purpose is and I'm sure it has given you a clue about how to identify your purpose.

Identification of your purpose is very necessary as well as clarity, this will help avoid you labouring in someone else's plan , instead of labouring in yours.

For you to know the reason for your creation you need to know the creator, you need to develop a relationship with him, because he's the perfect revealer of his plans for you, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance.

How to develop a relationship with God
God has never been a complex being, he's as simple and easy to get along with as long as you follow his principles. Relating with him is like getting to know your new friend, you try to build the relationship by spending time with him or her on your off days, calling and chatting, with time an intimacy is built, and when the relationship is a benefitting one, you'll do everything it takes to keep it. That's the same way to grow a relationship with God. You fellowship with him by having your quite time, praying and studying his words also belonging to a local church and been active in that church. Fellowshiping with God is so important because that's the only way to get to know him more and get to hear from him, and you need to dedicate a time to study his word because he speaks through his word. Some people say I don't know when God is talking to me, I get confused sometimes it seems like it's my mind, the reason is, you are not fellowshiping with him on a regular basis, everyone of us has close friends that even from a distance if you hear their voice you will quickly recognize the voice, so that's the same technique of recognizing God's voice.

principles of successOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz