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When you talk of "being willing to pay the price" it means a lot of things that we need to understand and which will be explained to us in this chapter.

There are certain sacrifices you need to make on your way up and when you fail to do them, the consequences is that you remain on the same level or you deteriorate. We all know this book is for those that are hungered to realize their success story. Those who wants to make God's plan and promise feasible in their life. So I'm sure that everyone reading this are ready to pay all the price that your purpose brings. You don't have to be scared about it. Trust me, they are things you can do. It may seem a little difficult but when your desires outweighs your adversity you'll continue to do what it takes to achieve them.
Some people have not come to realize that God has blessed them already but whether or not that blessing becomes evident is dependent on these factors, which are: The choices they make, the actions they took and what they choose to believe. If they do all these with a positive attitude and with enough positive expectations and of course make certain needful sacrifices, their success cannot be denied.
Here are list of common prices you are to pay on your way to success. Of course their are unique ones related to your different purposes but I'll be talking about the ones common with everybody's purpose.

Firstly, dedication of time. Time is a very important factor in achieving success. We all know this saying "time waits for no one." Success driven people understand this that's why they come up with plans. Planning their activities, setting time range to each goal to help increase their pace and seriousness.
There are three ways to which time is used. By spending, wasting or investing time. The best way to use your time is to invest it.
Now you have to ensure that you invest quality time preparing and achieving success. If you had time for clubbing, partying, hanging out with friends to discuss something that's not important to your goals and purpose, that's spending time, which of course is no good to anyone because there's no valuable product to show for the time spent which equals time wasted.  It's time to fix that time for solving important things related to your purpose. It's alright to want to have fun but it's not something you do at the detriment of your purpose. Successful people go for vacation after a vocation but here you are planning for a vacation when you've not achieved something. Now is the time to dedicate quality time to fulfilling purpose.
A good time management is one in which a product is seen as a result. Ask yourself this, what is that thing I achieve in every day that passes by?  And does things has to be in line with your purpose and goals.
You need to invest your time not spend it or waste it. That's good time management. And investing time is definitely producing something tangible.

Secondly, money. So many of us love flashy things. Always wanting to look on point. For the ladies, your eyes are always on the shoes, the clothes, the bags and every other accessories. For the guys, wanting to please your lady or trying to belong. I'm not saying it's wrong to do all these things but first you need to understand priority. There are times opportunity comes knocking but the money to use to finance and seize that opportunity is not available. Maybe if you had the habit of saving, you would have grabbed the opportunity. So learn to save. You know what your purpose entails, you know what it needs to survive and grow. Save towards it. People always want to help when they see you doing something but when you don't even have to start how will they see you to help you? There are times when you have to forfeit somethings and deny yourself of some pleasures in order to achieve something relevant to your purpose.

Thirdly, losing relationships. You have to be willing to let go of certain relationships that do not play a role in making you a better person to be able to serve in your purpose. Make relationships with people who believes in you and help to bring out the best in you. One thing for sure is relationships can mar you or make. So choose wisely. And invest on those that are worth your investments.

These are the three common prices everyone will pay at a point in their life. The choice is all yours. You have to be willing so as to get the reward at the end.

Most people get scared. They feel it's a burden. They might even want to quit pursuing their dreams or would not even pursue their dreams at all. It's alright. It's okay to be be afraid but press onward despite the fear. That's the right attitude.

You can't make massive achievement when you ain't willing to let go of certain things or do certain things. Success are for focused and serious minded people. Success do not come by chance or luck, it comes when certain actions and decisions are made. Every successful person made a decision to let go of things that would stop or slow down their success and pick up things that would bring success. They all took great steps to get to where they are.
What are those strongholds in your life that is stopping you from achieving great things? You need to stand up to them by the blood of Christ and believe they don't have any power to direct your life. The factors below could be considered as a stronghold. They include friends, mindset, family, career, etc. These are things you can change yourself. You'd have to decide to change your friends, control the thoughts you allow into your mind and also the thoughts you meditate on. You can decide not to share your dreams with family members that do not believe in you or probably stay away from them and stop taking advice from people who hasn't done what you are doing. You can decide to quite your job, change your discipline or go back to school. You have to make up your mind to lose something in order to gain the needful and you have to decide to do something to gain the needful. The journey to success is not a smooth ride, you'll lose a lot of things on your way and when you've gotten to that position you seek you'll look back and see that indeed those things were worth losing and the things you did were worth doing. You'll be greatful that you paid the price when you ought to.

It's wrong to wait for success that comes by luck. You might wait forever and even if it does you wouldn't have the ability to sustain it. You shouldn't neglect process. Those things you passed on your way to success has a way of making you strong and ready for success but when you neglect the process or do not want to pass through them you end up losing out on life's lessons that would help you maintain success and continue to keep you on a progressive level.

When poor minds see successful people, they say to themselves, "this people are lucky." Who said luck got them to where they are? Ask quite a number of them, they paid a price that you were not willing to pay. They did a lot of hard work that you have not decided to do. The moment you start making the right decisions and taking positive steps your life changes for the best.

Knowing your definite purpose is not enough to make you successful. You have to be willing to pay the price that comes alongside.

Here's a practical exercise you need to help you in decision making and it will keep you motivated to always want to pay the price.
I want you to sit down, relax your mind and think about your purpose. Think about what it entails, the requirements, the type of relationships you need, their personalities. Think about what your purpose would cost you. Write them out and begin to make decisions base on what you've written. Be sincere with your answers.

I know you've a lot from here and right now a lot of things you want to change or do are in your head already. That's a good place to start. Make the right decisions and move to the beautiful life God has designed for you.

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