Getting to Know You Part II

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"We'll go fishing soon," his uncle promised as he stood up and began clearing away the breakfast dishes.

"That sounds great," Ricky said as he popped the last piece of crispy bacon into his mouth. He stood up and took his dishes to the kitchen sink.

"I got these," his uncle said, taking Ricky's glass, plate and silverware from him. "What are you going to do today?"

Ricky shrugged. "Draw, watch television, explore outside," Ricky answered. "If I promise to stay within sight of the house do you think I could explore the woods a little?" Ricky casually asked.

Ricky saw his uncle immediately stiffen. Seeing his uncle's reaction Ricky expected an immediate rejection of his request. But his uncle suddenly sighed out loud and turned to look at Ricky. "If I agree do you promise to stay within sight of the house?" he asked. Before Ricky could reply he demanded another promise. "And do you promise to be back in the yard before it gets dark outside?"

Ricky didn't have to think about it. "Yes, I do Uncle Steve!" Ricky promised. "I promise to not go far and I promise to be back way before dark!"

"Okay," his uncle agreed. "We'll try it. You have my permission."

"Awesome!" Ricky shouted. He doubted that Feral and he would venture out today but at least he would no longer need to sneak into the woods when he did go. Being duplicitous didn't sit well with Ricky. He owed his uncle more respect than that. He was as excited about not having to sneak around anymore as he was about having his uncle's permission.

A few minutes later his uncle said his good-byes and walked out the front door. Ricky followed behind him to lock the deadbolt before streaking back across the living room floor to the kitchen. Ricky listened to the truck as it drove away and listened until he could no longer hear the rumble of the engine. The return of silence was his signal. The coast was clear. He headed down the basement stairs.

Feral was sitting up when Ricky arrived at the bottom of the stairs. He appeared to be feeling much better. His eyes seemed brighter and he was more alert.

"Human," Feral greeted him.

"Morning Feral," Ricky responded. "You seem better," Ricky commented, walking up until he stood in front of him.

"I am human," Feral responded. "I think I will be able to leave tonight," he answered.

Ricky felt his heart drop. He liked having Feral here. "Oh," he replied, trying to disguise his disappointment.

"You seem disappointed," Feral remarked, looking up at Ricky.

Ricky shrugged. "I guess I am," he admitted. "I have had fun with you."

"I am only leaving the basement," Feral answered.

"Yeah, I guess," Ricky agreed half-heartedly.

"Sit down, human," Feral instructed. "I am sure you have more questions for me and I do not want to have to sit here staring up at you."

Ricky's eyes widened. He had not given that a thought. "Wait a minute," Ricky said and began rummaging around in his uncle's camping gear on the far side of the basement. After a few minutes of hunting, he pulled out a dark blue folding chair with a small cry of success. Carrying it back over to where Feral still sat he bent over and opened the chair to sit it on the basement floor. Rocking it, testing its stability, Ricky finally turned and plopped down into the chair. "Much better!" he said with a sigh.

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