Interspecies Communication

Start from the beginning

It was obvious from the boy's behavior that he was just as distressed as Feral was, if not more. His snapping and snarling was not going to help either of them nor would it change things. He was acting more like a child than the child who sat so forlornly before him. With yet another sigh from deep in his chest, Feral rose and slowly ambled over toward the boy. Hearing, Feral's footsteps the young man lifted his head back up and faced Feral.

"I apologize Human. I have failed to see you are distressed as I am."

The boy offered a small yet timid smile. "It's okay," he replied albeit shakily. He licked his lips nervously before pressing on. "So who are you? Or what are you?"

Feral took another deep breath. This kid did not beat about the bush. Answering would be complicated, Feral realized, because in all of his years he had never really had to explain what he was, not that there had ever been a definition for what he was. He was an anomaly. How do you explain that, especially to a human? This was going to be complicated if he didn't simplify it. As much as he hated too, Feral knew the best example he could use to help explain what he was.

Kicking at a few twigs and pawing the leaves, Feral made a more comfortable spot for himself on the ground and sat down. The boy watched him and waited patiently for him to speak.

"What do you call those movie monsters... the ones that drink blood from their prey?" Feral finally asked.

The boy frowned a little in confusion before his eyes widened in surprise. "Are you talking about vampires?" he gasped his pale face now flushed red indicating his blood pressure had risen with the implications, though Feral was about to tell that as he could hear his heart beating faster. "Are you saying you're a vampire?" the human half choked, half squeaked out.

Feral barely prevented a growl from escaping. He hated comparing himself to the vial creatures but it was the simplest way to explain to the boy what he was.

"Yes," he finally answered. "Similar but not the same," he attempted to explain. "I can hear your thoughts like they can and I," Feral hesitated here, not wanting to go into the other scarier aspects of his curse so he petered out with a casual, "I have other similar characteristics. But," he emphasized strongly, "I am not one of those, so please refrain from referring to me as such!" he ordered.

The boy nodded. Feral was pleased to see that his cheeks were less red and that his heart rate had decreased but it still pounded strongly, a little too strongly. The strength of the beat indicated to Feral that the boy continued to be agitated. Feral was pleased. This child had more than once stupidly stumbled into dangerous territory with careless disregard for his safety. The boy's continued fear now gave Feral, hope that the kid was not as foolish as his actions made him appear. There was curiosity and then there was foolishness. The boy needed to understand the difference. The child's sudden question drew Feral's attention.

"What is your name?"

Feral was surprised by the question though he gave no outward sign. He was not used to talking or transmitting, or however way one would describe what was happening between the two of them that was allowing them to communicate, with anyone. Exchanging names was probably normal for the boy, but for him it was unheard of. No one knew his name. Proffering something so personal made Feral feel vulnerable in a way he could not explain.

Feral looked down and pawed at the ground, like a person would fidget with their hair. He stumbled over what name to tell the boy. Though he no longer thought of himself as Hidden Paw, he hesitated to share his second, darker name.

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