-The Miracle Healer-

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We continued hiking, slashing our way through endless amounts of cobwebs and illusions. Eventually, we reached the top and the cave that Elis had told us about. It was less of a cave and more of a slight dip in the cliffside with a tree growing over the top of it.

"Here it is!" Elis cried, riding up to the cave, "Now we just wait for her I guess," she said, sitting down on the floor with her wolf curled up next to her. Ez pulled out the egg, setting it in the middle of the cave floor and we all settled down, grabbing another snack from my backpack and resting against the cave walls.

"Your hand is looking pretty bad there," I said, handing Rayla some food and setting myself down next to her.

"Yeah, well the plus side is that I can't feel it at all," she said chuckling softly and rubbing her wrist,

"And there's really no way to take it off?" I asked,

"Not unless," she paused, quieting her voice, "Not unless Ezran dies and I'm not willing to let that happen." she huffed, turning away from me. Clearly that conversation was over. I walked over to sit next to Callum, just as I opened my mouth to talk to him there was a bright flash of light. I thought at first it was Bait, but then as the light dimmed I was able to make out the outline of a woman, the healer.

"Hello!" she called, "I am Lujanne."

"Hi," Elis said, "I'm Elis, do you remember me? You saved my dog a while back," she added, stepping forward.

"Oh, yes," Lujanne nodded, "I do remember you and your sweet pup, all grown now I see," she chuckled, scratching the wolves head.

"We need you to heal something else," Callum said, pulling out the egg from Ezran's backpack, "It's important, this egg, can you save it?" he held the egg out towards her. Then she did something unexpected, she just laughed.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry, I'm afraid I can't heal anything," she said,

"But what about Eva! You healed her!" Elis shouted,

"No I didn't dear," Lujanne said, reaching over and petting the wolf, she removed her collar and suddenly one of her legs faded away, "It was an illusion, she didn't need that leg to be happy, everyone else did." she smiled softly, handing the collar to Elis,

"Oh," she said, wrapping her arms around Eva's neck, "I had never realized," she said, her voice fading out,

"So, there's nothing you can do to help us?" I asked,

"I'm afraid I can't heal anything," she sighed, staring at the egg, "What sort of egg is that exactly?" she asked, cocking her head. I paused, not sure if we should tell her, but then Ezran piped up,

"It's the egg of the dragon prince!" he said,

"How?" the elf asked, "How could it be?"

"The egg wasn't destroyed, it was stolen, and we're trying to bring it back to its mother," Rayla said, stepping in,

"Quickly, come with me," the woman said, sweeping her cape behind her and running out of the cave. We quickly jumped up to follow her as she ran along the path.


Yay I get to write Lujanne! I love writing about her because I can make her even a little more eccentric than she is in the show which is super fun to write! Also it's almost time for Zym!!!! Okay, bye!!!

Also! Cover contest! Check out previous chapters for detail on how to enter and win!

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