-Under the Ice-

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"Uhm, y/n," Ezran said, fear in his voice, I turned towards him only to see a fine crack spreading across the ice underneath him.

"Shit," I whispered under my breath,

"Uhm, what's happening, y/n what do we do?" Callum worried,

"Okay Ezran, I need you to pull the egg out of your backpack, quickly," I said. He pulled the egg out of his backpack as quickly as possible, "Okay now I need you to throw it, shoot, I can't catch with my arm like this. Callum can you catch it?" I asked, the prince just shook his head,

"I suck at catching things,"

"Okay we need to move quick, Ezran just toss it to me," Rayla added,

"No way we trust you with that thing," Callum said,

"Callum, I agree with you wholly but to keep Ez safe we need to do it," just then there was another loud creak, and the crack underneath Ezran expanded. "Toss it!" I shouted, and Ezran threw the egg to Rayla, she reached out to grab it but suddenly retreated in pain, dropping the egg down through the ice. Callum gasped, I barely thought I just ran, towards the whole in the ice, towards the egg, and I dove in. I swam down, trying to ignore the sharp, stabbing pain across my body. I reached out and grabbed the egg, rising to the surface and setting the egg down on the ice. Callum grabbed it and backed away from the crack, I got up and sprawled out on my stomach on the ice, scooting away from the edge until I was far enough away to stand.

"Okay Ez, now you need to lie down on your stomach on the ice," I said between shivers. Ez slowly lowered himself to the ground, laying across the ice, "Okay, now slowly scoot away from the crack, for a tense moment, the crack worsened again as he edged away but soon he was far enough from the crack to stand.

"Oh thank god!" Callum shouted, reaching out and hugging Ez tightly to him, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just have a case of the frozie-tozies," he said, shivering. We all made our way across the remainder of the lake, slowly, with no more incidents, once we reached the other side we all let out a huge sigh of relief,

"Rayla what was that!" I shouted, turning on the elf,

"I'm sorry, I just didn't catch it right and dropped it," she said, staring at the ground in shame,

"Just dropped it! People don't 'just drop' the most important egg in the entire goddamn world!" I screamed,

"I said I'm sorry can we just move on!" she screamed back, waving her arms around in rage,

"Wait, Rayla what's wrong with your hand?" Callum asked,

"My hand," Rayla said defensively, "Nothing, I'm fine," she said, tucking her hand behind her and avoiding eye contact,

"No, let me see it," I interjected, stepping forward,

"I said I'm fine!" she shouted,

"If you were fine, I doubt you would've dropped the egg," I said, reaching out, she sighed angrily and placed her arm in my hands. I looked at it, it was purple, from her bracelet down her hand was a deep purple, as if no blood flow was getting to it.

"This isn't just a bracelet, is it?" I asked, tugging at the ties, and noticing that they were ridiculously tight.

"I.." she cut off, pulling her hand back and glancing at the princes, "I won't talk about it in front of them," she said curtly, stepping back. I turned to the boys,

"Can you guys go off to the side for a minute, we should stop and eat anyways," I said to them,

"Seriously?" Callum sighed,

"Just for a minute," I said, smiling softly,

"Fine," he groaned, "Come on Ez," Rayla watched them as they walked back into the woods,

"This isn't a bracelet, it's binding," she said, turning back towards me and gesturing towards the bindings,

"To what?" I asked,

"Assassination, on the night we met I, and all of the other assassins, bound ourselves to Xadia," she paused, "And to killing the king and prince," she sighed, "The bindings won't fall off until their dead, this one related to Ezran, the other, it.. The other was for the king," I gasped, stepping back,

"The king is," I paused, choked up, "The king was killed?" she just nodded solemnly. I lowered myself to the ground, placing my head in my hands. "He can't be dead," I whispered to myself, a tear rolling down my cheek, "He had all of the guards, they had to have, how could they not have stopped them, how could he be-" I was cut off by Callum running out towards us,

"Hey! Y/n, Rayla! There's something wrong with the egg!"


Yikesssss. This part was a lot of not happy things, so, woop I guess!

Also, don't forget about my cover contest that's running right now! Any time from now until midnight December 31st you can submit your entries to become the new cover for this story! The winner will be picked soon after and will receive a prize of a custom one-shot with any character from any show/book/movie that I know!

The Moon in Eclipse {{A TDP Callum x Reader Fanfic}}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant