-On the Run-

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"Neither do I," she responded, lunging at him, their swords clanging rang out across the courtyard, I couldn't stay to watch, I rushed down into the courtyard and looked around for where the princes might be when a glowing wheelbarrow of hay caught my eye. I walked over and split the hay to reveal Ez and Bait hiding inside.

"Bait's no good at hiding is he?" I chuckled, pulling Ezran out of the hay and dusting some of it out of his hair,

"I keep telling him that," Ez added, I glanced around, but Callum was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's your brother?" I asked,

"He went up to the throne room to talk to dad," Ez said, I sighed,

"That's the last place he should be. Stay here, I'll catch up with you," I said, turning and running towards the palace doors. I ran in and towards the throne room, only to see Callum in front of the door, facing Viren.

"Callum!" I shouted, his eyes shot over to me and he opened his mouth to say something but no sound came out. Viren grimaced, dropping his hand down by his side and Callum gasped. Then the mage's face blanched, and I turned around just in time as an arrow whizzed past my face and into the opposite wall. I didn't think, just reacted, leaping past the other guards as they stood to fight, grabbing Callum by the arm and running off through the halls. At the end of the hall, we reached a large window out over the forest.

"We're gonna have to jump," I sighed, stepping up onto the window sill and searching for the best place to land.

"I can't," Callum gulped, his face pale,

"I'll catch you," I said, leaping out of the window and landing on top of a nearby tree branch. Callum stepped up to the window sill and hesitated. Behind him, I just faintly saw a shimmer of movement, one of the elves,

"Jump!" I yelled. Callum pushed himself off from the ledge, screaming as another arrow shot past right where he had stood just moments ago. As he came near me I reached out and grabbed him, pulling him close to me, wincing as I used my injured arm, until he could grab hold of the tree trunk. We began to slide down the tree, all I could do was hope that the assassins didn't think it was worth their time to chase us down. I turned to run to the courtyard and grab Ez, only to see him and Rayla running full force towards us already,

"Into the woods!" Rayla screamed, dragging Ezran behind her as she ran. I grabbed Callum's hand, turned, and ran into the forest as quickly as I could, wincing as branches smacked against my face. I closed my eyes briefly and tried to call to memory the map I had, hoping that I was right and this was the direction to the Banther Lodge. We ran for what felt like only seconds, and soon we reached a path. I dropped Callum's hand, collapsing to the ground in exhaustion. I glanced around at our group. Rayla was sitting on the path, barely looking tired, she was nearly see-through, her eyes dark under the light of the full moon, Ezran lay on the ground, out of breath, dirty and exhausted with Bait lying by his side. Callum was in a similar state. I glanced down at myself to find my arms ripped up with cuts from the trees and my whole body covered in dirt and leaves, I touched my face to find it much in the same condition, wincing as I moved my bitten arm. There we lay for as long as we could, panting for air, examining our wounds, until Rayla spoke up,

"We can't stay still, especially not in the middle of a path like this, we need to figure out where to go and we need to go there now," Rayla said, I winced and stood up,

"She's right, but where can we go?" I asked

"Xadia," she said, "We need to get the egg back to its mother," Rayla responded.

"I agree, but first we need to stop by the Banther Lodge,"


Woop. And we're off on a journey! Welp I've got nothing to say soooo bye!

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