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Being a palace guard isn't all bad. In fact, it's pretty great. Well, for me at least, for others it kinda sucks. You know, having to stand around outside doors all day, guarding important people having important conversations that you will never get to be a part of. For me, however, I'm a part of those conversations. I'm not the king's guard or even a regular palace guard like most. I'm the prince's guard. I spend all of my time with a ten-year-old boy and his glowing frog, playing, stealing sweets, etcetera. Honestly, I love it, Ezran has become my family, like a little brother to me, I love being with him, being his guard. As cute as he is though, he can be a little shit sometimes.

"Ezran!" I shout after the young prince as he quickly makes his way through the old tunnel. I remember when Harrow first found us crawling out of these tunnels he had been furious, well, more afraid. The tunnels are pretty old after all. But, once Ez had convinced him to crawl through with us and shown him what was at the other end, the king just laughed and told us to continue on. However, as I've gotten older, the tunnels have gotten a bit tight for me, and Ezran can still navigate with ease, causing me to fall behind often on our little "excursions".

"Hurry up!" the little prince shouted, running on ahead.

"I'm trying!" I shouted back, grunting as my hips got stuck in a particularly tight bit of tunnel. Finally, a saw a faint light ahead and Ez and I stopped. Through the grate ahead I could faintly see the baker shuffling about, pulling things out of the oven and throwing things in. The smell, however, was unhindered by the grate, and it made me remember why I still came down here with Ez so often. Jelly tarts. Silently, Ez shifted the loose grate over to the side and slid into the room. I slide the grate back into place as Ezran snuck up behind the baker and wrapped around a jelly tart. Suddenly, the baker snapped his head around to look at Ezran.

"Ah hah!" he shouted, "Prince Ezran, I caught you!"

"I, I was just admiring them," Ezran chuckled, setting the tart down quickly.

"With your hands?" he asked,

"Of course with his hands, you don't admire things with your hands?" I asked, leaning against the wall, smirking.

"They look delicious," Ezran said,

"They are, and they aren't for you!" he shouted, gasping as Bait snatched one up in his mouth. "I saw that!" the baker shouted as Ez grabbed a handful of tarts and ran towards the door. I chuckled and grabbed a few tarts for myself, then I dashed out the door behind him.

"Sorry!" I called out behind me to the baker as the door slammed. Ezran ran off in front of me, laughing hysterically, tucking his tarts into his backpack and shoving one in his mouth. Once we reached the palace courtyard Ezran finally slowed down, collapsing into the soft grass and laughing loudly. I set myself down beside him and bit down on one of the tarts, delicious. Just as I was beginning to relax I heard a shout and snapped to the side, only to see Callum, prince Ezran's older brother, fall to the ground. Soren, a friend of mine and the son of the palace's mage, stood over him, holding a wooden sword and chuckling.

"You're dead," he said, extending his hand to help Callum up.

"Even with armor? are you sure?" Callum groaned.

"Even with the rarest legendary armor forge by sunfire elves, super dead." he finished. Callum sighed and stood up, grasping his own wooden sword to face Soren again. Then, Soren's sister Claudia walked into the courtyard, nose in a book like always. As she walked, I noticed that she was about to walk into a tree, I nearly called out, but Callum beat me to it.

"Is this tree new?" she asked, blushing in embarrassment and sitting down on the bench.

"Relatively," Callum said, "It's only been there about 300 years," he chuckled.

"Stay here," I nodded to Ez as I walked across the yard to sit by Claudia.

"Oh hey, y/n!" she said, closing the book for a second,

"Hey Clauds," I responded, sitting by her side to read the book along with her. I looked up a moment later only to see Callum, hunched over, his sword stuck beneath Soren's boot. I chuckled and went on to keep reading. However, there is no peace and quiet with Soren around, and I was soon disrupted by him, laying on the floor shouting,

"Oh! I've been stabbed! By the stab prince! Lord Stabbington! Spurt!" he yelled, Callum's wooden sword stuck in his armpit. I laughed,

"Get him Callum!" I shout,

"He deserves it," Claudia added.

Then, Opelli appeared at the edge of the courtyard,

"My princes, y/n, the king wishes to see you," she said, briefly bowing to Callum and then to Ezran, "Right away," she added, turning on her heels and walking away towards the palace. 


Hi guys! That you for taking the time to read my story! I don't have much to say, the story is just starting out, I will mostly be following the original storyline but I might stray from it a little, as it is, ya know, a fanfiction. I will be writing these little end cards every once in a while when I have something to talk about but I will definitely be focused on the story more than what I have to say. Bye for now!

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