-The Egg-

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"Run!" I shouted, turning towards the painting and loosing my arrow in the general direction of her leg, I was moving fast, however, and missed entirely. We all tried to squeeze into the tunnel, but the elf was closing in, fast. Ezran stepped in front of me and I nearly stopped him, until he held up Bait, covering his eyes as the glow toad unleashed a bright flash, blinding and stunning the elf. Then, I shoved Callum through the painting and jumped through myself, unsnapping my swords as I ran. "Ez I really hope you know your way around these tunnels," I shouted, snaking along behind him and Callum.

"Yeah! This way!" he shouted, taking a sharp left that led to a dead end. I was about to call out for us to run the other way when Ezran began to tap on the various stones on the wall.

"Rock, rock, stone, rock, stone, stone, rock," he muttered to himself as he pressed bit after bit into the wall, "There!" he shouted, as the floor began to move beneath me. I cried out as the solid floor beneath me gave way to a spiral of stairs down,

"This way," I said, racing to the bottom of the steps, the princes in tow. Once we arrived at the bottom, the stairs retreated back into the ceiling, closing us in. I breathed a sigh of relief,

"Do you think she'll be able to find us?" Callum asked, glancing around the dark room as his eyes adjusted.

"I don't think so, it took me months to figure out that pattern." Ez said, "But guys, there's something I need to show y-" he was cut off by a loud rumbling from above as the stairs began to descend again, revealing the elf, standing on the last step.

"How?!" Ezran screamed,

"I just pressed the ones with the jelly handprints," she shrugged, "And now, I think I know who you are, Prince Ezran," she said, smirking and moving forward, the boys pressed up against the wall, and I stood in front of them, swords drawn. "And now," she added, "I'm going to have to kill you," she moved to lunge but stopped when Ezran screamed,

"Wait! I have something that you'll want to see!"

"If it's that stupid frog again I'm not falling for it," she sighed,

"Glow toad," Callum added,

"Excuse me?" she questioned,

"He's a glow toad," I said,

"It's not Bait this time! I promise!" Ezran said, gesturing toward a large covered object on a pedestal behind him.

"Fine," the elf sighed, "Uncover it, slowly" Ezran reached behind him and slowly began pulling the sheet off of the object, and when the sheet was fully removed it revealed a giant, glowing egg.

"The egg of the dragon prince?" the elf questioned, "But it can't be,"

"Hah! I told you the King wouldn't have it destroyed!" Callum shouted,

"This changes everything, I don't have to kill you now," she said, letting her arms fall to her sides, she gasped, "Hand me the egg, now, I need to show it to the others, I can stop them!"


Introducing; the egg of Azymondias the dragon prince!!! Yeah, I have nothing to say about this part other than excitement about things really getting rolling! Yep, bye!

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