Chapter 25

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Hyena's POV

I sat for awhile after Jane left. I took out the sticky notes from my pocket. Reading out one by one the notes from Minghao.

'There's a girl who enter my life recently. She knocked on the door of my heart. Hesitantly I stand behind the door. Open it or let it be close? I have no idea. But I still open the door. After she came, she paints every walls colourfully.'

'Stupid me, keep hurting her. Bullying her during detention class, making her soaking in the crowd, start a mess at her birthday party, let her being touched by bad boys, pouring the hot soup spilling her uniform, and what's worse than making her shedding her tears?'

'But little did she knows, because of her I stop using violence. I'm more curious about the love stuff. After all the good things she has done for me, why am I still hurting her over and over? Leaving her when she needs help the most. Even that I've hurt her so many times, why am I still dreaming of having her?'

'Can you the one who read this help me to deliver my message to her? Can you tell her that I love her so much. In case if she doesn't want me to disturb her anymore, tell her that I'll walk away from her life as she please but let her know that I'm not gonna change the love I have for her, Lee Hyena. You're the person.'

A tear dropped on the sticky notes. "And please tell him, I'll stop denying my love for him, Minghao." I should look for him after school.

Minghao's POV

"Do you suspect anyone?" Hansol sat on the couch at my house. I shook my head, saying no to his question. "It's weird, Hyena has no one that hate her or envy of her. Why would they pick on her? What's the meaning of the bloody doll and the chocolates? Everything is related to blood?"

I rubbed my face. "I have no idea either. I think the person is not aiming her. It's me. He might send them as a warning. But why it must be Hyena? I don't figure it out yet, what do they exactly want?" I looked down, still thinking who could be the one behind these all.

"If it's not beacuse of Hyena, I wouldn't skip school to involve in your problems you know." He sighed. "Why is it so hard for you to think of anyone? Don't you have any enemy? Maybe they're the one who started this."

"I have too many." I sighed as well as him.

"Urgh dude!"

Hyena's POV

I packed my stuffs to went back home. I was thinking of going to Minghao's house first but I don't it's in a rush. We could still talk over it by tomorrow.

"Hyena, do you want us to send you home? As Hansol is absent today, it might be dangerous of going home alone, right?" Inha and Siyeon came towards me.

"Come on, I'll be fine. Don't worry, this is not like the first time I'm heading home alone. Moreover, we have different way to home, right?" I chuckled.

"Yahh, Siyeon has told me about what happened to you yesterday. The chocolate stuffs. How can we still let you go home alone?" Inha pulled my hand. "No rejection. We'll wait with you at the bus stop."

I chuckled, just following them to the bus stop. "Hyena yah, I'm sorry that I can't visit you yesterday and I'm not spending much time with you both." Inha suddenly pouted, confessing his apology out of the blue.

"It's okay, I understand. But, are you okay, Inha? You don't seem to..?" I questioned.

"Actually, recently I'm having a fight with my boyfriend. So I have to find way to fix our relationship back." She still remain calm and still smiling even this unwanted thing happened.

"You're still in a relationship with him? Why don't you just look for other guy, Inha yah? Don't you both always argue? Will that be safe for your relationship?" Siyeon spoke.

"No, no, no! How can I? I really love him and I should give in this time. He's and I are meant to be, we'll fight for everything together and of course we'll always turn down our ego. We'll be fine after a small talk. It was my fault after all." She stood up, scolding Siyeon back.

"How do you..know that you really love him?" I slowly middle in the conversation between Inha and Siyeon.

Both of them looked at me at the same time. With those blinking eyes for several time, Inha finally explained. She held my hands and looked deeply into my eyes. "Hyena, you know how much you love someone and how important his existence is when you fail to replace him. No matter 10 guys come after him, no one will ever be suitable enough to be at the place he used to be. So from there, you should've started to protect your love."

"when you fail to replace him. No matter 10 guys come after him, no one will ever be suitable enough to be at the place he used to be"

"That complicated?" I sighed.

"When you're truly in love, even the most complicated thing can be solve easily. Love will teach you a lot, you wouldn't mind being crazy just for the one you love. There are three biggest sarcrifies in love. Time, ego and life."


"Hyena, stop zoning out. The bus is here."

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