God this really wasn't the best seating plan...

"Oh, Elisa your roast is truly devine." I said in an attempt to break the awkward silence. Though it was no lie her roast was amazing. 

"Oh, thank you dear. I am really happy you could join us son." She said happily, "You have been so busy at work I thought we would never get a chance to see you." she let out a little laugh and continue, "I'm glad you here."She said sincerely as she reached out and squeezed his hand.

" I'm sorry mum, I should have spent more time with you. " He said regretfully. It's like his mother was the only one who could get him to melt in her hands. I watched his eyes travel to his father. Eric was just about to give an excuse for his absence when picked up on his hostel behavior which resulted in me lightly kicking him from under the table. His head shot towards me in frustration. I gestured subtly towards his father and gave him a look. I hope my looked was somewhere along the lines of  'Don't you dare!'

It seemed to have worked because Eric just nodded at me and went back to eating calmly. Well as calmly as he could. I felt like he would cut through the plate with the way he held that knife. His knuckles had turned white with how tightly he gripped on. I placed my hand on his knee and  his grip slowly loosened. I lightly patted his knee one last time before going back to eat.

"Thank you Violet, for hosting us." said Eric's father smiling at me.

"Oh, you welcome Gabriel. " I said awkwardly, I was still getting used to calling him by his name considering that I only actually met him properly this week.

"We are truly grateful." He said giving me a smile that I'm sure was his lethal weapon in his golden years.

"Oh no please stop, it was a pleasure to have you both here." I said smiling as I  kicked a frowning Eric again under the table, indicating that he should smile as well.

The night continued with very  little conversation here and there. I luckily managed to put off 3 almost arguments between Eric and his father.

"Before we forget, your father and I were talking and we have paid for a honeymoon trip that you both never had after the marriage, so here you go." Elisa said handing us plane tickets and other important papers.

"mum we---" Said Eric in attempt to argue but his mother never gave him a chance.

"Nonsense, we expect you both to go and I have already planned everything so if the plan isn't fulfilled I will know it, I have set eyes everywhere darlings. Don't disobey me." she said in a pretty sinister tone but oddly enough her smile never left her face.

Not creepy at all.

" Mother you  being a bit---"

"Eric I said you're going that is final. Don't anger me or else!" She said staring him down with a fierce expression.

Okay so that went from normal to psyhco pretty quickly.

                °×°×°×°× °×°×°×°×°×°

This  man has officially driven me to the edge. I can't believe him, everytime I think we having a moment and we finally becoming  friends he just reverts back to his stone cold self.

I walked in him office and placed a present on his desk in front of him," Here is a little something for you."


"Ah... because." He gave me a suspicious look and unwrapped his present.

"Really? Pads?" He said slightly amused.

"Yeah, you know because I realized it's your time of the month and us girls have to be their for each other." I told him as I smiled brightly.

"Violet. Shut up and go back to work." He said in a bit of a fed up voice so I turned on my heels and was almost out the door but his loud voice summoned me back, "I forgot to tell you that we will be having guests over. Cora Smith and her brother Alex will be staying with us so you are required to entertain them. I have a business contract that I need Miss Smith to agree on, she recently inherited her father's company. While we are discussing business, you will be babysitting Alex. " I gave him a forced smile and left.

You know that moment when you just wish you could bludgeon someone to death but you have to keep it together so you don't end up looking crazy  – Yeah, well that's me right now. This man is truly killing me.

Ah, the joys of adulthood, working and all.

       HEY GUYS 😁
       THIS WEEK😅



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