Chapter 12

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Dean gently kisses Lisa's hand as he sits beside her. He lays his head against her hand and whispers, "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault and I'm so sorry..."

"Hello Dean." A voice says that's oddly familiar. Dean turns to face it. He sees Death sitting at a small table in the room eating what looks like a turkey leg.

"Have you ever been to Topeka Kansas, Dean?" Death asks him and gestures for him to sit.

"Uh... Yeah." Dean says as he sits. "What're you doing here?"

"There is a small carnival in Topeka that has the best Jumbo Fried Turkey Legs." Death says ignoring him.

"Are you here for Lisa?" Dean asks again.

"Lisa was supposed to live a long full life then die in her sleep when she was 92." Death says then he looks angry. "I wasn't the one who did this Dean."

"It was Fate. Wasn't it." Dean says.

"Yes. Fate always thinking she gets to choose when someone dies. That is not her job. Her job is to create the events that cause someone to die when It is their time."

Dean interrupts him. "But it's not Lisa's time! You said so your self!"

Death holds up his hand and stops Dean. "No it is not supposed to be her time. Unfortunately I cannot help her. My job is not to heal. My job is to end their suffering."

"Can you do anything? Please." Dean asks hopelessly.

"Dean Winchester saying please..." Death murmurs. "No Dean. I cannot do anything. I can tell you Fate will be punished but I cannot stop this."

Dean drops his head into his hands. Death places his hand on Dean's shoulder and whispers to him. "Pray. With all your heart. Pray to God and maybe he will hear." Then Death vanishes.

Dean stays sitting thinking about what Death told him for a few minutes. He's prayed to Cas many times so he knows how to pray. It couldn't hurt. He gets down on his knees and gets ready to pray but hears a loud beeping sound. He looks up to see Lisa is flatlining.

"No!" Dean yells. He tears up and wants nothing more than to save her. "Please," Dean whimpers. "Please God help her. Save her please! I beg you please," his voice breaks and he wipes tears from his face the continues. "Please save Lisa...."

Dean feels a strike like he's been hit, hard. He falls to the ground, beginning to black out.

"Dean!" He hears Sam yell his name at the same time he hears Ben yell, "Mom!" Then everything goes black.

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