littlespace triggers <3

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eeeee m excited to write tis one

this' thing i do to get small

For littles without caregivers:

-use a paci. pacis always helps me be small, especially when i try to talk

-wear little things. i like to wear bright, big clothing, but i really weally like a big shirt or big hoodie, fluffy or knee high socks, and shorts or no pants (pants = leg prison)

-talk in a baby voice. even if you end up regressing to a baby that isnt able to speak, to begin to get there would be talking like a 6 year old, all the way down to the age you wanna 

-watch little videos, movies, or tv shows. i love watching peppa pig, daniel tigers neighborhood, and peep and the big wide world

-eat dindins or has a snacky time. d i n o n u g g i e s . thats all. *i actually dont likes mac n cheese :( it makes me sicky*

-surround yourself in blankies, stuffies, and lights. on my bed, i have a bunch of christmas lights and all my favorite stuffies, but its so high up from the ground, i needs a chair or sometin like that to helps me up

-do arts and crafts. i have a littlespace journal and its so cute n i has a bunch of stickers a a a a ! m also getting a melanie martinez coloring book n m so excited for it to come in :DDDD

For littles with caregivers:

-watch movies and cuddle. i have a friend who when i go to her house n she gets in a caregiver mode, we watch comedy and cuddle (but in a friend way) and its amazing

-pet names and being spoken to like a child or baby. i love this one sm, caregiver or partner

-praise for doing small (or big) things while small. i love praise and it makes me feel so loved i just eeeee e e

-playing with the littles hair. i like doing hairstyles, and someone messing with it is just so cute to me 

-coloring a page for the caregiver. i store up old coloring pages ive wrote on and i wanna show my caregiver *but i hasnt found the time :(*

i actually feel kinda creative n kinda proud for bein able to write this eeeee eee 

but otay lil ones

i love you sm 

dont forget to take your meds

n drink water

n get enough sleep 

stay safe <3

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