There's a Wolf in the Basement

Start from the beginning

What was he in the mood to do? He decided to watch some television.

An hour later, wrapped up in a film about a comic book hero, Ricky jumped when he heard a loud knock on the door.

Ricky's initial reaction was to panic but he suddenly remembered that Rosy Andrews was supposed to stop by to check on him. He just hadn't expected her to be here so early.

Ricky walked wearily towards the door and looked through the small peephole. Sure enough, Rosy stood on the other side of the door.

"Ricky are you in there? It's Rosy Andrews from the diner. I just came here to check on you. Are you alright in there?"

Ricky knew he should answer the door to her but it went against everything he had learned about living in the city. Still this was a friend of Uncle Steve's, and she had gone through a lot of trouble to leave her diner to come up and check on him so he ignored years of ingrained teachings and unlocked the door, opening it to reveal Rosy's cheerfully smiling face.

Ricky attempted a smile of his own, though it wasn't as toothy and wide as hers. "Good morning Rosy. And Yes I'm okay," Ricky said shyly, greeting her with his small, nervous, yet polite smile.

"Good to hear." She replied, good natured. "I'm pretty sure your uncle already told you this, but I'm going to be driving out here and checking in on you for some time. Are you good with that Ricky?"

Ricky nodded his head. "Yes I'm good with that ma'am."

The cheery smile never left Rosie's face. "Good. Well, you seem alright to me. Do you need anything?" she asked, her eyes darting around the living room, noting the movie playing on the television, clearly revealing what Ricky had been doing before she arrived.

Ricky shook his head no. "No ma'am."

"Well aren't you just the politest youngin?" she said with a grin. Ricky blushed a little from the compliment. "Alright then. I'll come back around... one or two I think. Will you be okay until then?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am," Ricky repeated.

Rosy gave Ricky a cheeky grin. "You're just, too sweet. Alrighty then. Have a nice morning and I'll check in later," she said with a wave goodbye, before turning away and making her way down the front porch stairs.

"Okay. Thank you!" Ricky called out, hoping he didn't sound rude or awkward but since he had nothing else to say... well... that's all he could say.

Ricky closed the door back and locked the deadbolt and put the door chain on for good measure. He looked out the peephole to watch Rosy walk away, climb into her pickup, and drive off.

Ricky sighed, turned off the television, and walked upstairs. He went down the hallway and entered his bedroom. As he sat on the edge of his bed he heard small thunder-like rumblings off in the distance that grew closer and closer as the minutes ticked by to be followed by the sound of pounding on the roof which signified that the sky had opened up and the rain had started up again. He glanced out his bedroom window to see the heavy torrent as it poured from the sky.

As he watched the rain Ricky thought fleetingly of his uncle. He wondered how he was doing with the heavy down pour and if he was currently outside. Working with lumber would often require outside work, he assumed he just hoped today was not one of those days for his uncle.

Thinking about outside made Ricky recall his own recent excursion into the woods. He wondered since his uncle had confided in him about his crazy encounter with a monster, maybe he should disclose his own inexplicable encounter. But Ricky decided it was best not to. He didn't want to get his uncle's hopes up for something that was most likely false. Monsters didn't exist. Besides his uncle could very well think Ricky was just making up a story out of some sort of desire to validate his uncle.

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