"Ladies and gentleman, we have reached our final destination. Please remain in your seats until the plane has come to a complete stop and the flight attendants indicate that you may disembark. Thank you for flying the friendly skies with us today and enjoy your stay in Denver whether it be business or pleasure!"

Ricky, still trying to assimilate the miraculous ability to be flying in the air at great speed and then to be at a standstill only moments later, sat quietly waiting, as the other passengers around him began shifting and talking, and readying themselves to leave. Ricky was ready to leave himself but he decided to wait until he was given the okay.

Ricky did not have to wait very long. About only ten minutes passed before Ricky saw the stewardess walking toward him with a smile on her face.

"Lucky you. You get to disembark ahead of everyone," she told Ricky, encouraging him to unbuckle his seatbelt, and follow her.

As soon as Ricky got up from his seat, he began following slowly behind her. She glanced over her shoulder at him with a smile, making sure that he was keeping up with her. They stopped at the doors of the plane. A tall, thin male airline worker was waiting. He was dressed much like the other guy at the airport who had walked him to the plane, so Ricky new this guy was probably waiting for him. Another escort.

"James this is Ricky," she introduced them to each other with her ever present smile. "He flew with us today and his uncle is currently waiting for him."

The thin man, James smiled down at Ricky. "Hi Ricky! Did you enjoy flying?"

Ricky wrinkled his nose and lowered his gaze from them a little as he mumbled, "I fell asleep." He felt a little embarrassed for having to admit that.

James grinned at him in understanding. "I always zonk out when I fly," he assured Ricky. "I think it's a combination of the excitement and the fear. Puts me right out!"

Ricky widened his eyes at James's response. "Really?"

"Oh yeah!" James answered "Flying affects a lot of people like that. Actually flying affects people in so many ways that anything is expected."

The tiny blonde stewardess laughed along with James and nodded her head in agreement. "So true...so true. If we had time I could tell you some hilarious stories," she assured Ricky. "But your uncle is waiting and the other passengers probably want to get out of here so I won't, but when you fly back, and I am on the plane, I promise to tell you," she paused and winked. "Or I'll tell you if you don't conk out on me again."

Ricky grinned back sheepishly. While he appreciated them for trying to make him feel better, no matter what they said it was still a little embarrassing though he appreciated their attempt to assure him falling asleep was a normal reaction.

"Let's go find your uncle, Ricky," James prompted him, his arm extending out, indicating Ricky start walking down the closed-in hall that led into the belly of the airport.

"Bye Ricky," the stewardess called out to him, before turning and disappearing back into the belly of the large airplane.

Ricky followed James down the tight hallway until they came to another entryway. As he walked out he found himself in a large open area with various people milling around. Some were greeting each other, some were talking on their cell phones, and some were doing exactly what Ricky was, looking around themselves in confusion, trying to figure out where to go. Ricky was very glad at that moment to have James as an escort.

James's hand made contact with Ricky's thin shoulder guiding him toward yet another escalator. Ricky tensed from the touch and the thought of having to navigate this strange mode of transportation a second time today. He really hated them.

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