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* 6 years later *

These last six years has been a whirlwind of adjustments , learning , growth and challenges. The boys have grown up to be the cutest 6 - almost 7 - year olds who were the IMAGE of their fathers. I could see the soft side in Malcolm like Jacob when someone at school got bullied and the goofiness in Daxton when he was on stage for school Christmas plays.

Along the years we've grown our family with another sweet baby girl when the boys turned three. Isabella Paige was the best thing that could've happend to the boys. I've never seen them that happy to be big brothers , to a little sister no less except for the 3 years later when our newest addition arrived - our youngest -  little girl Kaylee.

So with the boys almost seven ,Isabella turning 3 and Kaylee being almost 5 months old , it's been pretty busy around here. The guys and I have grown our father's company so much that it was top ranked most successful company in the last 30 years. We've even beaten our father's legacies and created our own. I couldn't have asked for more.

As for our relationship?  Well judging that we had 4 kids in the last 6 years meant that it must be going pretty well I'd say. And even though all of this happend pretty fast and kind of took us all off gaurd, it shaped us into the best grown up versions of ourselves . I've seen the two of them grow these last six years as individuals and as father's to our children. How Jacob had to learn to be more strict with them or he'll get walked over,  and how Ethan had to realize that he couldn't always be the 'fun' dad and let us do all the disciplining. It's been trail and error and A LOT of fits and tantrums but in the end , I'd like to say they turned out pretty well for the most part.

"And that's how I convinced them to leave the 50 and take the 30. " I said proud taking a seat between them on the couch as Ethan took me by surprise and gave me a kiss . "What was that for ?" I asked after pulling back.

"Just... you're amazing." He said with a smile tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear,  his signature move . And that made me lean back in and return the favor while Jacob completely ignored us and continued watching the big game , not that it was anything new to us. When Jake was in full game mode, a bomb could go off and he still wouldn't move.

"Eew what are you doing? " I heard Malcolm's voice as Ethan and I instantly pulled back surprised to see Malcolm,  Daxton and Isabella all lined up infront of us with a look of disgust.

"Making out. Duh." Isabella said so nonchalant as if it was nothing  that I almost got a heart attack and made Jacob snap out of his game .

"And what do you know about Making out young lady ?" Jacob said trying to sound stern as she looked down trying to let him go easy on her . Her signature move.

"And aren't you guys a little too old for this now ?" Daxton spoke up having the same cocky attitude as Ethan. Damn those genes.

"I'll have you know , I'm only 24." I said quite offended staring him down until he broke . Yet it didn't seem to have any effect on him since the next words that came out of his mouth was ;

"Man that's old." As he rolled his eyes making me scoff.

"Daxton , don't you dare sass your mother like that. " Ethan said warningly making Daxton almost bow down to him. My mom always said , you can't fight fire with fire. Hence why Ethan was better at disciplining Daxton , he knew how to handle him.

"Yes sir. Sorry mom..." he apologized before going back to his room followed closely by Malcolm. They barely did anything without the other.

"Now THAT was awkwad. " Isabella said in that cute baby voice of her's making Jacob raise his brow at her.

"Oh yeah ? You still haven't told us what you know? "

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