Chapter 32 Together

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"So since I won the guessing game I get to name them right ?"

"Nice try Ethan. But we're naming them TOGETHER . As in, all three of us." I said turning on my side , taking the cover with me while Jacob came from the bathroom having finished his shower after our celebratory activities.

"Yeah I'm with Olivia on this one. It doesn't matter who's the father because whether it's yours or mine it's still going to be OURS . We're gonna raise them together so why be nit picky over who's yours and who's  mine ? Let's just name them together. " he said , taking a seat on the bed.

"You're just saying that cause you're scared both of them would be mine." Ethan huffed like an angry child .

"No , I'm saying that even if they're both mine. It goes both ways Ethan." Jacob said , drying his hair while I lied in Ethan's arm in attempt to cheer him up. 

"It's not gonna work this time Olivia. " He mumbled under his breath.

"What's not going to work ?" I said innocently , looking up at him through my lashes.

"You're gonna try and cheer me up in order to agree with Jacob. "

"What ? Me ? I would never ." I said  acting shocked and oblivious, getting a smile out of him in return. "I see that smile Ethan. " I said , lifting myself up more so I could look into his eyes while he tried hard to hide his smile.  "Come on you can't hide it now , I've already seen it. " I said teasingly , tugging on the corner of his mouth to make him smile again.

"What ? You haven't seen anything. " He retorted,  trying to sound tough and unfazed.

"Are you really going to keep playing this game ? " I said in all seriousness right before he leaned up and gave me a quick peck on the lips. 

"Fine ! You win. Again . I'm sorry Jacob. We'll name them together regardless of the blood line. " He said - knowing he just got defeated by me yet again - laying back down with his hands behind his head.

"Thank you." I said with a smile , returning his peck before getting up and walking to the shower.

"You know what I realized yesterday at the party ?"

"What's that love ?" Jacob asked while I picked at my bowl of fruit.

"Our families don't really get along."

"And that's news to you since when ?" Ethan chirped in. 

"You know what I mean. It's just yesterday made me realize just how much they don't get along. Well , other than coming together for business opportunities. But aside from that I don't think they really talk or know eachother so well. "

"What are you getting at Olivia? "

"I'm saying Ethan that , maybe it's time we brought the family together."

"And how is that a good idea ?"

"Yeah,  I'm with Ethan on this one Liv. I don't really think that's such a good idea..." Jacob said , placing his bowl in the sink.

"Well why not ? I mean they DID bring the three of us together and we're their children , so shouldn't it be our turn to bring THEM together? "

"Still not following. " Ethan said confused as I huffed out a breath in frustration that the son of the second most successful CEO of the world could be THIS daft and clueless. 

" I mean , aren't you guys tired of all those awkward family dinners when the Davis' , Walkers and Smith's come together? Don't you want our parents to get along ? Cause I sure know I don't want the three of them to start a fist fight or even worse , a law suit over which grandparent can babysit. I don't want our kids to grow up in a broken family where all the grandparents do is fight. " I said in all honesty , realizing that after I said it I actually meant what I said. That our parents relationship with eachother was so much more important than I thought.

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