Chapter 18 I'm the Queen of the Castle

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I've been working none stop since I found myself again . I didn't even care that it took me sleep deprivations , around the clock work and countless amount of late nights at the office. I was in control and things were once again starting to run smoothly. 

Of course , giving instructions as an 18 year old was the most difficult task to execute.  But I soon realised that the only way for the staff to see me as the leader and the one in control,  is to make them SEE , me as the leader. Hence all of the late nights and overtime. After their first few failed attempts at making me come home and leaving the work to them , Jacob and Ethan soon realised too that it was a lost cause. And that I wasn't giving up .

It was just past 1am , my 3rd all nighter this week when a knock sounded on my office door. Curious - and a little frustrated that I was interrupted - I said "enter " though already knowing it was them trying to get me back home , so I didn't even bother to look up.

"I already told you. I'm fine right here. So go back home and do whatever it is that the two of you do when I'm not around." I said,  paging through the month's numbers. 

"Olivia Marie Davis, what is it that you think you are doing ?" The familiar sound of my father's voice rippled like waves through my office. He wanted to break me , and he almost did by taking me by surpise. But I didn't get this far just to give it all up when daddy dearest called.

"It's Walker Smith now . Remember ? You changed it. " I said dryly , trying to act as unfazed as I could.

"Answer, my question. " he seethed ,slamming his fists onto my desk.

"Careful, I think this is Oak. " I said  with sass making my dad's face heat up with rage and fire.

"Olivia I'm warni-"

"What does it look like my doing !? I'm doing the JOB you married me into! Or did you think I'd be the cute little housewife at their beck and call when you signed me over? " he didn't respond , so I took that as my chance to continue. "Well I'm not dad ! How could you even think that for a second  I would be !? They don't know Crap about our company nor have any type of clue how to run one - why you chose those two dimwits to take over baffles me but that's for another day -  point is , I know more about this company than those two ever will ! So why WON'T I be slaving away at this place ?" I finished , watching him observe me , preparing myself for another lecture and for him to drag me back home to them.

But he didn't.

I waited for it . But instead he said ;  "You really are your father's daughter. " with a proud grin ? I was now more than ever convinced that I was stepping into a trap .

So instead I didn't reply and just watched him . Waiting for him to yell out 'sike !' and walk away . This has never happend before . I've never seen my father like this . Angry ? Multiple times. Happy ? When it's work related sure . But proud?  Never in my life.  So I didn't know how to respond to this , how to act around him.

"You've done an excellent job Olivia. " I heard his voice break through to me , that's when I realized I spaced out and that he was now flipping through all of my work I've been doing the last 2 weeks.

"Um ... thanks." I said uncertain , moving closer to see what exactly he was referring to.

"You know , you should really try and involve the guys more. "  he said closing the files as I almost scoffed out loud at his remark.

"Are you kidding me ? They have no idea what they're doing. I don't know how they ran things at their companies but it's clearly not the same thing over here. No wonder they needed to Merge to save their companies " I mumbled the last bit to myself but to no surprise my dad still picked it up  .

"Then show them . BE the leader. If this company can do so well with one strong leader , think how it'll flourish with three at the wheel !" He said , sounding enthusiastic for the first time in his life . And for once , it was rubbing off on me. Maybe he was right , maybe I just needed to show them the ropes.  But I of course wouldn't want my father to know that he was right either. So I sighed dramatically and said "Fine!" While he cracked a smile .

I grabbed my bag , threw in some last minute paperwork and made my way back 'home' . But not before my dad called me back. "Get this right Olivia , and  I might just be proud at you." He said behind me.  Great. Now I had something to prove too.

The house was dark when I pulled up . It's 2 am what did you expect?  My mind reminded me as I closed the garage door behind me , walking into the kitchen and flipping the switch. Putting my bag down on the counter top , my eyes immediately landed on the plate of food in the middle . Did they prepare food for me every night, in the hope that I would come home ? Reaching across to the plate , I ate every last bit hungrily not even bothering to heat it up. I couldn't  remember the last time I've eaten a wholesome meal.

Feeling satisfied I made my way upstairs taking a shower. The warm water trickled down my back relieving the tension in my back and shoulders as I unconsciously let out a breathy moan of pleasure the warm water brought to my aching body. I washed my hair slowly, making every second in this warm heaven count while I massaged the shampoo into my scalp. When I had finally finished, I stepped out into the foggy mess that was my bathroom , wrapping the plush towl around my body while making my way towards my closet.

"I thought I heard you. " the voice of none other than Jacob sat at the foot of my bed , making me almost drop my towl at the way he startled me. Gripping the towl tighter around myself - and seeing his eyes dart to my hands clasping it tightly - I made my way towards my closet , pulling clothes out of the drawer and changing . What? It's not like he hadn't seen me before.

Pulling my shorts on I could feel his burning caze on my every move , even with my back turned towards him. Pulling my hair into a ponytail I turn around making him look away abruptly. Boys.

"Yeah. I decided that you two should start pulling your weight at work too. So training starts tomorrow. " that almost immediately snapped him out of it.

"Training? Olivia what are you talking about ?"

"I know that you have knowledge and experience in running a company . Just not mine. So training starts tommorow. 6 am sharp. " I said  opening my bedroom door , obviously implying that he should leave now.

"That's less than 4 hours Olivia . How will you make it ?"

"Don't worry about me. But you should probably get going. " I said while he made his way out. I didn't even wait for him to say goodnight or put another word in when I closed the door behind him.

What ? Queen's need beauty sleep too.

What did you think? This was kind of a spur of the moment idea . I wasn't sure if it would work but I think it worked out pretty well don't you? Thank you so much for reading. As always remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, Keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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