Chapter 30 Make way for the Oompa Loompa

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After finding out we we're having twins the rest of the months practically FLEW by ! My belly grew at an enormous speed and was getting heavier by the day. I could hardly even get up from bed anymore but luckily I had some help. After finding out that I was pregnant the guys insisted that one of them spent the night with me at ALL times,  just in case. But after the first week of it failing miserably and ending in nothing but fights. We've decided it would be best - and about time - that the three of us moved in together. In the same room.

So up until a few weeks ago we were busy with full on renovations in the house. We've decided to break down the wall between Jacob and I's rooms- it being the two slightly  larger rooms-  and convert it into our joined bedroom , for the three of us. Ethan cleaned out his room and said we could convert that into their nursery,  since it would be the most ideal place - being the room right next to ours - and the rest well , was spent cleaning and decorating. It took a good 3 months to finally get where I wanted it but it was worth it to have both of them cuddled up next to me at night , with everyone happy.

But aside from the building , redecorating and the move my pregnancy had been a whirl wind ! True to her word , my morning sickness did ease up more like the doctor had said it would but if only I knew what I was jumping into. I had the WORST moodswings , crazy cravings - and I'm talking crazy with a capital Woah ! - swollen feet to the point where the  guys didn't even want me to be working from home anymore - since I  could barely move from the couch to the kitchen - and on top of all that,  I looked like a fricking oompa loompa !

They told me not to sweat it and that I looked kind of cute all ' swollen up like that ' and I knew it would be all worth it in the end when I got to hold my babies but still , the thought was kind of daunting if you know what I mean. But , I tried to push that thought aside since today was going to be a BIG day for all of us. The day we were finally finding out their genders ! The day I've been dreaming about since I found out I was having twins.

I rolled over to my side as I looked unto Jacob's snoring figure ,  him blowing small breaths while I couldn't help but smile. I started to draw small circles on his face , while my gentle touch made him flutter his eyes open.

"Morning Sweetheart. " he said,  giving me a quick peck .

"You ready for the big reveal ?"

"Yeah ," he said through a yawn , sitting up while Ethan stirred next to me and I turned towards him too.

"Morning sleepy head. " I said with a giggle , sitting up too while he greeted me with the same kiss. "I was just asking Jacob if he's ready for the big day today. Are you ?" I said , displaying the biggest smile.

"Of course. But I've been thinking, " and that's when my heart sunk. When Ethan puts a BUT in his sentence,  it's not usually a good thing... "no , no don't get all sad Mi  Amor , I was just thinking,  wouldn't it be fun if we DIDN'T find out the genders today? "

"Okay , I know I'm still a little sleepy but even I know that doesn't make any sense Ethan. Isn't that kind of the POINT about today? To find out the genders? " Jacob tried to figure out while I was trying to wrap my head around this myself.

"Yeah , but what if it was a surprise?  Like we go today but the Doctor doesn't tell us and just write it down then we do a big gender reveal with our families? "

"You know , that actually makes sense. " I said , kind of growing towards the idea now.

"I mean , yeah . It sounds pretty fun. " Jacob said,  coming around too. "Great idea Ethan."

"Well , thank you. " he said all smug while I hit him with my pillow.

"No time to get a big head Ethan we still got an appointment to get to." I said , slowly scooting off the bed.

"Right. "

"So you , DON'T want to know the genders am I understanding you right? " the doctor repeated back to us .

"Exactly. We thought a big gender reveal party would be much more fun." I said with a big smile meeting theirs.

"As it should be. Alright , just hop on up and we'll see who all of this fuss is all about. " she said with a big smile , leading us to the little room

"I knew it -" she started to gush while Jacob cleared his throat to remind her not to spill anything,  but in a more polite way. "Right. Sorry. " she said before typing something and handing an envelope to us. "Good luck with the party." She said with a wink while we were out of there sooner than we arrived.

"So who are we giving this to? " Ethan said , trying to take a peak while I grabbed the envelope from him.

"Nice try mister. No peaking. That's why I'm dropping this off with Jacob's mom right now. "

"Why Jacob's? " Ethan whined.

"Well for starters, I want it to be a surprise to my mom too cause she can't keep a secret for the life of her . And your mom ... well,  do I need to say more ?"

"Point taken. My mom can be a little..."

"Hard headed and difficult? " I finished his sentence.

"I was going to say annoying but I guess your's is more polite " he said laughing while we pulled up into Jennifer's drive way. 

"Of course! I would be honoured!" She gushed while I sipped on my tea.

"Just remember not to tell Olivia's mom what the genders are. She won't be able to keep it a secret ." Jacob explained.

"Yeah,  and don't tell my mom either or she will most likely take over. " Ethan pitched in.

"Oh don't you worry Ethan , I've dealt with Cordelia before. I know how to handle her." She said with a wink while we all laughed. It was quite funny to imagine someone as cool and collected as Jennifer  putting someone as manipulating and controlling as Mrs Walker in her place.

"Thanks mom. " Jacob said while we spent the rest of the time discussing some details for the party. I still wanted to have my say in it she would just handle the actual setting up and revealing part of course. So that's exactly what I did.

First off , I'm so sorry for the time jump but I kind of had to , I was running out of chapters. I don't want to make this book too long so this was the best for now ;)  and I know it's short and all over the place but the next chapter would be so worth it this was just a filler. I'll fix it in editing later. MOVING ON ! What did you think?  Last time to cast your guesses on the genders . Leave them in the comment section below. Thank you so much for reading. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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