Chapter 3 The Snow Package

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Quake: it's a Collar?

Ice:Collar? Wait Arctic where's Flake??

Arctic:Flake? dunno did he run away??

Ice: if he's not here then... He must've...

Arctic:wait what's this?????

cyclone:It's a little dog house

Ice:dog house?wait*come's near the dog house*



Arctic:I guess Cyclone found our husky!

Cyclone:your welcome!


Arctic:hm??ok Thorn you can play with Flake just remember to feed him with food!

Thorn:no problem!

Narrator:5 hours later.

Thunderstorm:you guys had a lot of stuff from Neptune And Uranus.

Thorn: especially some Little cutie wutie like flake!!

Ice:thanks but I can't shake the feeling that something was left in our planet...

Arctic:me too I feel like we left something else that's

Quake:*looks at Blaze*

Blaze*looks at Quake and Cyclone*

Thunderstorm:*looks at Ice*

Ice and Arctic:*looks at each other*

Thorn:*looks at Flake*

Ice:hmm Quake go check the package and see if there's anything we missed..

Quake:ok! *Heads to the package*

Quake: hmm eh?Ice I think I found something..

Ice:what is it??

Quake:it looks like a journal...

Ice:past it over!

Quake:*tosses it over to Ice* Here!!

Ice:*catches the journal*


Cyclone:ok *coughs* that's extremely *coughs again* Dusty!!

Thorn:super Dusty!

Blaze: it's full of old snow as well! *Coughs* God it's so old...

Ice: Ok dust and snow is everywhere!*coughs*

Quake: *hides behind the couch* I ain't going near that dust!

Arctic: Ok now that the dust I out of the way....we can continue!

Ice: let's open this...*opens the journal*

Narrator:a few seconds later




Solar:*wakes up*w-what??
What did I miss??

Thorn:Crap!Uhh nothing go back to sleep!

Solar:no ligit what did I miss???

Thunderstorm:oh great he's awake..


Flake:woof!!*jumps on Solar*

Solar:what in the?!

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