The Guy With The Tattoos

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It's a late Friday night and you're walking down the Miami boardwalk that's crowed with people, thank God you're not claustrophobic. Stores are lined up on one side and on the other you can see the beautiful Miami Beach a.k.a the beach Austin Mahone always goes to with his friends. You never get lucky enough to meet him, he's not the type of person to stay for long. Everyone says nasty and rude things to him all the time so why would he? He's a teen pop sensation on the rise but with his looks and his past he's easily judged.

You notice a guy about 6 feet tall leaning up against a building wall watching you. He has a black hoodie on with the sleeves rolled up. You can see the tattoo sleeves on his arms and his eyes as they sparkle in the light. You can't see the rest of his face, it's hidden by darkness.
You sit down on a wooden bench facing the water, the wind is strong when on this side of the boardwalk. You're staring at the water and the waves when a guy sits down next to you, you don't even notice.

"Hey." The guy says to you while rolling up his sleeves, you don't answer, you're lost in your own thoughts.
"I'm talking to you." The same guy says while grabbing your arm.
"Let go." You say as you snap back to reality, turn to face him and push him away.
"Baby girl don't fight, there's no point." He says while pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around you. You can smell alcohol on his breath.
"Please just let me go."
"Too late for that, you shouldn't be out here by yourself." The guy says while standing up and pulling you with him. He tightens his grip around your waist, pulling you close to him. You try to push away.
"I told you not to fight!" The guy says while raising his voice, turning you to face him and grabbing your arms. You notice people staring at you two. You feel embarrassed, weakened, powerless, and defeated.

"Back off!" You hear a guy yell as you're pushed to the ground, you hit your head. You open your eyes and touch your head, you feel a wet sticky liquid on your hand, you're bleeding. You see a guy in a black hoodie with tattoos fighting the guy who tried to take you. The guy who defended you then bends down and picks you up, your vision goes blurry and you pass out.

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