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Naeun's P.O.V 

It worked! he kissed me ! I slowly broke the kiss and looked at him. he smiled at me. It feels so nice to be in his arms again. It'so nice to feel the power all over again. I too returned his smile and cuddled to him.

"Baby" I said as lovingly as possible.

"I missed you too jagiya~" he cooed and I loved it.

"Naeun ...why don't we go to my castle? I mean you're always welcome there"

"Absolutely , I'd love to, maybe we could stop at my place for a minute?" 

"Sure!" With that we walked hand in hand talking about everything.

"Naeun ... I honestly can't remember why I broke off with you"

" Charm went wrong that's why" I lied casually. We kept walking until We were at my place. Both of us went in. I treated Taemin to some snacks and drinks. While he was busy , I ran into the basement and checked on the potion i left to brew, I  smirked at it. It was ready. I quickly garbed a vial off the rack and quickly filled it up with the potion. I wrapped it in some cloth carefully and put it in to my bag along with some clothes which included a long black cloak with a hood. I quickly went to Taemin who was just on his phone texting someone . I put on my best fake smile and went to him. 

"Taeminna ... shall we go?" I  asked with a cute accent. 

"Oh, Ah yeah , let's go" He said holding my hand. 

The both of us were first greeted by Gyuri, I'm pretty sure it wasn't a pleasant surprise at all. She bowed at the both of us but I didn't even bother to. Then we were met with a glaring Jonghyun and Key. They just passed us though Taemin smiled at them.

"Oh hyungs , where are you both going" Taemin asked in the cheery tone. 

"Did you at least formally end it with my sister? " Jonghyun asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm supposed to?" Taemin asked confused.

"WHY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" Jonghyun shouted and punched Taemin repeatedly in the face.

"YOU DARE DO THIS TO MY BABY?!" he was outraged. I held on to Taemin and Key dragged Jonghyun away.

"Jjong come on Suki must be waiting Taemin's not worthy of your time , please let's go oh?" He cooed and took Jonghyun away. 

"Taemin ... are you hurt?" I asked massaging his head.

" Y yeah ... I'm ok ..what's up with him" He said confused. "Well my room is right next to the meeting hall let's go " He said dragging me along. Sure enough we saw the meeting hall but it was heavily guarded by Gyuri and some of Minho's guards.

"That's strange mom and dad are on vacation." I heard Taemin utter.He went to Gyuri  who now gave Taemin a cold stare.

"Hi Gyuri , Who's inside at this hour?"

"Princess Suki is"

"Why is she inside"

"That is none of your concerns my lord further, you are not allowed  here till the meeting is over have a good evening" 

She said to him cold as ever.  Well excuse you Gyuri , Taemin's the one That's keeping you alive. Gyuri then called Taemin again. I Told Taemin I'm going to get into something more comfortable. He excused me and I instantly, sniffing the air , found my way Into Suki's chamber,  I saw the dagger she always carries around. I quickly slipped into the cloak I brought and Drank the potion. I checked my self in the mirror. I was pleased at my self. there in the mirror , exactly where I stood, stood Suki holding her dagger

"Well well ... show time" I told my self and went towards Taemin's room.


Taemin's P.O.V

 Excuse you Gyuri this is my castle why the hell are you showing me such an attitude? I was honestly confused about her way of talking towards me. I was her best friend for crying out loud. I turned on my heels when....

"Lord Taemin" I heard her call. It was odd since she usually don't use honorifics with me. Nevertheless I turned back.She then handed me a rather large envelope. 

"What is this Gyuriah?" 

"I'm resigning" 

"Oh! are you sure? when are you leaving?  I'm so excited to here the news! ... It's Japan right? do you like the house? is it ok?" I kept bombarding her with questions she'd usually be delighted to answer but today, she just gave me a cold , hard stare.

"What's wrong Gyuriah?"

"That envelope also includes the documents of the housed that you bought me my lord ... I do not need it"

"Are you crazy? It's fine if you don't use it just keep it, it's a gift from me Gyuri"

"I do not wish to receive any gift's from you  Taemin- ssi ... Besides I'm leaving in month and till then I found a place to work part time, Besides I'm only going to stay there for the final year, we both are the same age after all. And as for a place to stay, It's all arranged. In short , me and Suki dongsaeng are moving in together."

"Why do you keep calling her dongsaeng? you guys only have a six months gap."

"It's her choice Taemin. ... I will tell you something Taemin. Good luck with your future Lunar , Naeun.......... But Taemin , You'll never meet someone as wise and humble and beautiful as Suki, true , she has flaws, she's not cut out to be a girl, she's overly hyper , sometimes can be too talkative but that annoyingness , those imperfections are what makes her , her! Good luck Taemin ...  I hope Naeun becomes the perfect lunar,  and I hope she doesn't go after anyone else in the council like she did before" 

Gyuri's harsh words cut through me deep, like a knife, I just gave her  a  nod and went to my room, It was almost nightfall, I'm guessing Naeun's taking a  bath. I plopped on my bed and checked to see if there were any texts , oddly there was none ... usually my phone is the type to be bursting out with messages. I left it a side and decided to lay down for a while. I heard my chamber door open and there stood a cloaked figure. She entered my room, uninvited.

"Who are you?" I questioned . She smirked an all to familiar smirk. She then look the hood off and I instantly realized who the women was.

"Suki!!! what are you doing here?" 

"Why do I not have a right to be here?"

"Speak what you have to and leave"

"Very well baby" She said. She then pulled her dagger out and charged at me, she tried to kill me! how ever knowing her skills as a fighter , it seemed to me that she was weak, because if she wanted to , she could have killed me then and there without a thought. Never the less I grabbed her, twisting her hand. I then shouted out for the guards. Suki you messed up big time. With a slight smirk , She then, vanished in to thin air. Suddenly Naeun came running in .

"Yeobo , what happened?" She cooed. I was glad that she was safe, I hugged her and kissed her forehead. 

"I'm glad that you are safe Naeun."

I realized one thing ... letting Suki stay in my castle was deadly, have to get rid of her as soon as possible..... Suki is a murderer! 

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