11 // shoot or be shot

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Hello!! If you have read my imagine for The Bodyguard, you have an idea of how this chapter will play out. I've changed a couple things and swapped perspectives though so it will still be a different experience :)

Hope you enjoy!


Ariana Grande

"Hey, you." I knock on Harry's door. He barely looks up, busy doing his own work.


"I know you're busy. And Liam is doing a fabulous job setting up security for my event tomorrow.. But, I would feel a million times better if you would also look at all the details. Look, I even cut it down from 20 pages to 10, printed, in colour, with pictures." Harry turns to me.

"Your gentle, melodic tone isn't going to get you anywhere with me. I still have a lot of paperwork to do." I cross my arms in frustration.

"Fine. Just-Look at the outline if you have time." He shrugs, taking the papers and throwing them to the side. He just loves getting on my nerves. But I'll take it, since he did help me make the event possible.

"You should sleep."

"Can't, too excited. Jenny called me earlier and she was so happy. Her burns are a lot better now, thank god." Harry hums. "Hey, I never got an update from you.."


"The Victorians. Do you have any information at all about them?" His body tenses. "So you know something."

"I know many things. But nothing with concrete evidence."

"Well, give me something! I'm getting my therapist to help me unlock the key in my brain after the gala so hopefully that'll tell me more."

"Are you the only one who sees your therapist?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like.. does your uncle or your boyfriend..?"

"Oh, I don't think so. Why?" Harry opens his mouth, as if debating whether or not to say something. "What is it?"

"I'll tell you after the gala, alright? Go sleep."

"Fine." It's better if I don't know if it'll stress me out. "Goodnight!"

"Good night Miss Grande."

The next morning, I don't even need an alarm clock to wake me up. Within ten minutes, I'm ready to go to the venue to help set up. There are people bringing in tables, putting up lights for stage, and everyone seems to know exactly what they're doing.

"Hi, Miss Grande." A manager approaches me. "We had some questions about the way you want the tables organized." Connie quickly pulls out the master plan. "Oh, no, this drawing wasn't too scale. We have a lot less space than we thought." I gulp.

"Okay, let's try this." Within the hour, I'm trampled with questions and suggestions. Everyone seems to have an idea for the set up. "Connie, can you take over for a second? I just-I need some air." She nods, seeing my visibly drained face.

I walk to the side of the room. As I'm looking around, I see my bodyguards testing walkie talkies. Harry is on the second floor, looking over the balcony.

"Hey Pat. I get that you're busy. I'm sorry I got upset at you yesterday. To be honest, I'm kinda freaking out right now. The gala is in a few hours. I'm hiding in a corner while everything is being set up. I really need to hear your voice right now. Call me, please?" After trying to call my boyfriend twice more, I give up.

The Bodyguard // h.s (Hariana)Where stories live. Discover now