3// our own little demons

366 15 1

Ariana Grande

Harry had been completely silent during the car ride home. However, every so often, I could feel him glancing, making sure I was okay. I kept shifting in my seat, not used to someone watching me. He had his eyebrows furrowed as he watched me unlock the door to my home.

As I sat in the living room with him, Connie, and Edward, I couldn't help but feel lost. Suddenly, everything was a little more real. Even at home, am I in danger?

"Beautiful," Harry says suddenly.

"What?" I blink rapidly.

"I said you have a beautiful house." I give him a small smile. Little did he know, my mother was the one who designed it.

"I'll show you around.." Suddenly, the doors burst open. My uncle Jack struts through the doors. He walks up to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder in a casual but genuine way. "I'm so sorry." Is the first thing I say.

"What for?"

"Your deal. You didn't get to close it."

"This is more important." Jack has been my only family since my parents died. He supported my education and then hired me into his company after I got my MBA. Without him, I would be alone. "Edward." His eyes fall to Harry. "You must be his son."

"Yes, sir. My name is Harry."

"Glad to have you here, Harry." They shake hands. "Firm grip. I like that." Uncle Jack claps once. "Let's go to the dining room. We have a lot to discuss."

Edward, Harry, Jack and I sit down silently as Polly pours us some tea. My uncle pulls out a document from his suitcase and lays it on the table.

"First things first. I should explain what is going on." I feel my heartbeat quicken. "A few weeks ago, I rejected a deal with a dangerous gang in South America known as The Victorians. They've been sending my people threats for a while now. And I think they must've tracked down who my closest family is. And as you know, you are my only family." Uncle Jack gives me a painful look. "I'm so sorry."

"So a gang is out for revenge because you turned them down?"

"Yes. I'm going to reach out to settle this with their boss. But until then, I trust Edward and Harry to look out for you."

"What about the text I got? They said that they would be coming for what's theirs. I don't understand what that means?" Jack looks at Edward, who coughs. "What does it mean?" I ask a little louder.

"It's all about the money, Miss Grande. You have shares to the company, so I am suspecting that their goal is to kidnap you. Or put you in harm's way to warn Mr. Grande or blackmail him." Harry lets out a breath for the first time during this meeting.

"So I have to make sure you're safe." I know that I should feel good about the fact that my uncle wants me to be okay. However, there is always, always, a small part of me that feels like I'm a burden to him. That his life would have been easier if he hadn't adopted me. "That's where you come in Harry."

"My son will lead a team of five to protect Miss Grande twenty-four hours. I have a strong crew to select from." When my eyes meet Harry, I can see his hesitation. I can't blame him. He was an FBI agent, dedicated to protecting his country, and now he has to babysit a nobody like me.

"I've already laid out some conditions for Mr. Styles, and I've told Connie to type it into the contract." My voice is a lot calmer now as Jack passes me the document he pulled out earlier. "If you're willing to do this, I will be very grateful." I have to trust that my uncle knows what's best for me. I have to trust Harry, and I need him to trust me too.

The cold, expressionless man sitting before me looks over his employment contract. His mouth parts. "200,000 dollars to work for you?" I don't flinch, neither does Jack. The first rule of being a Grande: If money is the problem, it isn't a problem.

"Are you excited now?" Uncle Jack grins, sliding Harry a pen. We all share a chuckle. I pretend not to care by twiddling my fingers, but from my peripheral, I can see Harry biting his lip. His eyes staring seriously at the paper and nose scrunching the tiniest bit. The sound of the pen scratching against the contract causes my stomach to churn.

"I'll do everything I can to help." I stand up, head down. Although having Harry around now would mean that I would be safe, I feel like a part of me will now be stripped away. My freedom.

"Great. I'll be in my room." As I'm walking up the stairs, I realize I may have been colder than I wanted.


I know it's Harry at my door when he knocks in an unfamiliar sequence. "Come in." The door creaks open as I stand up and walk towards the window. My room has a beautiful view of the city. I'm lucky enough to be living at the top of a hill, giving me access to not only the buildings but the night sky.

"Hi." He comes up next to me, arms behind his back. "I just wanted to let you know that I'll be back in the morning with a full team."

"When I was little, my father would drive me up and down the hills, letting me sit in the front seat without telling my mom." Harry looked out the window with me. "My favourite part of my childhood was the feeling of the wind in my hair in his convertible. You'd think that as an adult, I would get more of that feeling."

"But instead, you have a chauffeur and a team of bodyguards." I turn to him. "I get it. You don't deserve this."

"Neither do you." I can see it in his eyes. He's not doing this job for the money or because he's passionate about bodyguarding. He is in the situation for the same reasons as me, for family. Harry and I share a look that needed no words. Understanding. "I might not show it at first... But I'm happy you're here." When Harry opens his mouth, I could tell he is trying to ask me something. 

"Glad to be here." He says instead. 

"Dinner time!" My uncle yells from the staircase. We both chuckle and walk towards the door. Suddenly, Harry grabs my arm. 

"Do you believe that your uncle really pissed off a gang?" His eyebrows are furrowed. 


"From my experience... If they were really out for money, they would have burned buildings, stolen materials... They wouldn't be targeting you. And if they wanted to send a message, they wouldn't text you." I take Harry's information slowly.

"You think my uncle is lying." I state. 

"We all have our own little demons. And we'd do anything to protect them." Harry lets go of me. "If you don't trust me, I get it. I'll let it go." 

"No. You have a good point." I lick my bottom lip, looking down to think of the next move. "How do you feel about a secret mission? Do you think you could find out why exactly people are after me, secretly?" Harry smiles.

"I knew you were a badass, Grande. I'll do what I can."


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