Cast Out (Part I)

Start from the beginning

"You have no visible injuries, which I find is extremely lucky, given the fall." Hicca explained. "If Hiccup and Toothless hadn't caught you in time..."

She didn't finish her sentence and she didn't need to.

That moment Hookfang chose to land with the group. Snotlout jumped off his saddle, still feeling the triumph after firing at the catapults.

"Yeah! That's right! That's how Snotlout retreats: he doesn't! Click-click-boom!" He boasted, still uncaring or completely obliviousness at what happened to Astrid. The silence made him notice the other teens and dragons were just staring at him with expressions ranging between disbelief and anger. "What? Why are you all looking at me? I mean, listen, I know why you all are looking at me." He flexes his arms as he says this. "What? It's Hiccup and Hicca's stupid exercise!"

That was the last straw for Hiccup as he got up and stormed to Snotlout. His cousin has pulled off many stupid stunts in the past, no matter how much Hiccup and his twin told him to stop, but this time he has gone too far.

"You have no idea what you did, do you?!" Hiccup demanded in a tone of anger, even the Thorston twins flinched at it.

Snotlout, however, was somehow immune to this. "Yeah. Hookfang and I made the coolest trick shot ever."

"You almost got Astrid killed!" Hiccup exclaimed, enraged.

"Come on, she's fine. Look at her." Snotlout said nonchalantly, gesturing to the Hofferson girl who was leaning on Hicca for support as she stood up.

"No thanks to you." Having recovered from her fall, the Hofferson girl immediately charged at the Jorgenson boy ready to beat him to a pulp. Hiccup stopped her before she could reach Snotlout and held her back.

"Okay, alright. Easy there, Astrid!" Hiccup said, holding onto Astrid. He was still mad at Snotlout, but not enough to want to see him beaten up.

Astrid ignored the Haddock "I'm going to kill you!" She exclaimed, struggling to break free from Hiccup.

Hicca then went to them and helped her brother in calming Astrid down. Astrid finally gave in and walked away with Hicca, angrily muttering something along the lines of taking Snotlouts' helmet and shoving it...

"Honestly, Snotlout-" Raeda began, but surprisingly Hiccup was the one who cut her off.

Seeing that enough is enough, Hiccup knew a certain decision had to be made. "That's it. I am tired of this."

"I'm tired of this! What are you tired of?" Snotlout retorted.

"You always have to do things your way." Hiccup said in exasperation.

"Well, guess what? I look out for number one." Snotlout stated, first gesturing to himself, then to Hookfang. "And one 'A'."

"Exactly. How can we rely on you if you don't do what we ask?" Hiccup said, trying to make his cousin understand.

"So, what are you saying, Hiccup?" Snotlout mocked with his arms crossed.

Hiccup took a deep breath. Snotlout would resent him for this, but he seriously needs to draw the line. "I'm saying, until further notice, you're suspended from the Academy."

"What?!" Snotlout exclaimed in outrage.

The other teens were shocked by this as well, even Hicca. They'd never thought they would see Hiccup this angry at anyone before.

"You're grounded." Hiccup stated firmly.

"T-that's- Hicca!" Snotlout immediately turned to the female Haddock. "You're the co-leader here, step in!"

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