Tunnel Vision

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

"Cut him off! Make sure he doesn't escape!" Stoick ordered. He and the eight dragon riders were trying to chase after an individual who refuses to be captured.

"I didn't think he could move that fast!" Hiccup commented.

"The right motivation can make people exceed their abilities." Hicca said.

"Astrid! Raeda! He's headed your way!" Hiccup warned.

"On it!" Astrid and Raeda replied. They prepared their dragons to attack. "Stormfly/Sparkfire! Spine-shot!" The two Deadly Nadders obeyed and created a barrier, trapping the individual, who is revealed to be Gobber!

"I won't do it, Stoick, and you can't make me. None of you can't make me!" The blacksmith/ dragon dentist said defiantly.

"Keep him surrounded!" Stoick ordered to the teens, who did so giving Gobber no room to escape.

"A viking is supposed to smell this way! It's a badge of honor!" Gobber argued.

A Terrible Terror flew to Gobbers' shoulder and landed there. Once it got a whiff of the stench, however, it cringed in disgust and flew away only to fly into a pole.

While Gobber was cornered, Fishlegs and Meatlug were filling the bucket from the well. "Hurry, we've got to get that trough filled so that we can give Gobber his bath." Fishlegs said to Meatlug.

"It's for your own good Gobber." Stoick said.

"Actually it's more for the good of the village." Hiccup said, trying not to breath in the smell.

"Agree." Hicca said, wearing a healers' mask.

"Get in the trough." Stoick demanded.

Gobber still refused to listen, so the others decided to do a new tactic. Snotlout and Hookfang landed behind Gobber. "Alright, Hookfang toss him in the trough." But Hookfang, being Hookfang, decided to toss Snotlout into the trough instead.

"Every. Single. Time." Snotlout growled. "Doesn't this get old for you?"

'No.' Hookfang taunted.

Hiccup then came up with a plan. He signaled Toothless to sneak up around Gobber. Hiccup then signaled a message to Astrid, who seemed to have got it.

"Astrid, now!" Hiccup shouted.

Astrid and Stormfly flew up, catching Gobbers' attention. Using this opportunity, Toothless tossed Gobber right into the trough. Gobber tried to get out, but Stoick held him there. "Fishlegs, soap and water!" Stoick shouted, while restraining Gobber. Fishlegs flew above with the bucket, but only a drop of water fell out, much to Gobbers' relief. "You're going to have to do better than that, son." Stoick said.

"I can't, sir. The well...it's run dry." Fishlegs informed the chief.

Stoick, Hicca and Hiccup went to the well and saw that it has indeed run dry. "We dug that well two summers ago." Stoick said.

"There was water in here yesterday. I saw it." Hicca said.

"Water doesn't just disappear. There has to be a reason." Hiccup guessed.

"We'll have to dig up a new well." Stoick said. He then sighed, dreading to say the next part. "For now, we have to ration the water we have. Which means..."

"No more baths!" Gobber finished cheerfully, joining the group. He put a arm around the Haddock twins shoulders, much to their dismay and disgust. "Always a silver lining." He said, walking away.

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