The Way She Walks

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That's the thing, I know exactly who I am and where I come from, but why doesn't it make sense? I've been roaming this earth for more than a couple decades, but why is it that I feel something, like something is on the tip of your tongue but you can't quite figure out what it is.

It's something in the air. I can feel it, like, I'm not alone anymore. I know that I'm the last of my kind, I saw it happen. I saw the war with my own eyes, these exact ones. I saw my planet burst into flames, the daleks and the timelords, incinerated. I haven't changed since then, always running on adrenaline, just like I was when I was fighting the daleks.

Empty! That's what I feel, empty. Like there's nothing I have to live for anymore. Yes, I have seen many species try and conquer the earth and I've defeated them time and time again, but for what? I'm never going to be able to go home, I'm always on the run.

Excuse me, I never stole my TARDIS, it was given to me by the high council for my immaculate performance in TARDIS machinery. It is a Type 53 TARDIS, state of the art at the time. Funny though, I didn't expect it to have such personality. She connected to me as soon as I stepped in her main counsule room, and we've been best friends ever since. That is, until she broke down in the middle of London in some dank alleyway. Fortunately, I know how to fix her, but it would be about fifty years until she was ready to safely fly. Good timing though, she should be ready to go by the end of the week, and then I can explore the universe again. Just like the good old days, but until then I'm kinda stuck.

It was Christmas time in London, and I was just strolling around the shopping square. I finally was able to have somewhat of a breath of fresh air after having to explain to UNIT why on earth there was a sontaran spaceship in the sky, and how I dealt with it on my own. But something was wrong here, I can feel it. Kinda tickles in your chest too.

"So what do you need, twenty quid?" somebody asked. Not that I cared anymore.

"Do you mind? I'll pay you back." A girl said back.

"Call it a Christmas present."

"God, I'm all out of synch. You just forget about Christmas and things in the TARDIS. They don't exist. You get sort of timeless." she said.

What. I know for a fact she didn't just say that. God, I'm going mad.

"Oh, yeah, that's fascinating, because I love hearing stories about the TARDIS. Oh, go on Rose, tell us another one because I swear I could listen to it all day. TARDIS this, TARDIS that." he said.

No, they can't be saying that. They're dead. I saw with my own eyes, they all burned. The screaming, the horrible, horrible screaming. The children, all those children. I could have saved so many people, but I just had to be a coward and watch it burn from a distance. Why...

I run behind a newspaper stand, my head against the wall and I slide down its side. That's impossible. There is no way that anyone can still be alive after that... unless...

He and I were the best of friends in the academy. He was always a trouble maker, not that anybody got hurt, it was the little things that make him so unique. Oh, the instructor would be so cross at him, it was so funny. But I always thought he perished as well, which he did. Otherwise I would've found him by now. Geez, I'm getting my hopes up for nothing.

I was fiddling around with my fob watch, don't worry, it's empty. I just keep it around for good luck I suppose. I noticed that there was a brass band near us, that just finished their song. I would've thought nothing of it, but I saw their faces. Plastic. But why would humans put plastic on their faces, and how can they even play brass instruments through the mask, unless...

"Get down!" I yelled, getting some pretty weird stares from people, including the two young people I eavesdropped earlier.

"What are you babbling about, they're just charity workers. Are you sure..." a man said next to me when one of the santa people fires a flame out of its trombone.

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